One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction] Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13.

Remember when I said…

What if we were to run into Regan and she told Sean I knew she was here the whole time? And that  it would cause a big problem in our relationship and how everything was going good?

Well, It happened. And everything was no longer going good. It all started at the video shoot…


“Elle? Sup baby girl!!”

“I can’t – Look at you!” I said smiling from ear to ear, I ran over and jumped into his hug, he squeezed me tight and finally let go placing my feet on the ground. I took a step back and straightened my dress.

“look at you, haven’t seen you since--”

“College yeah … Wow.”

“So how you been? Where you staying?”

“Good, and now that I’m here at MY video shoot, I’m great. And staying in Brooklyn right now. You?”

“I’m good, staying between VA and LA. And traveling on tour. I’m glad your doing good.”

“Yeah, Oh Cole this is my boyfriend Sean.” I said pulling him closer, his body got less tense and he smiled extending his arm.

“Sup man? Nice to meet you.”

“Same here, I’m a fan.”

“Thank you.”

“Sean, Cole and I went to college together and the funny thing is we both knew eachother but I didn’t know he did music, and he didn’t know I did music … Isnt that funny?”

“Yeah that’s pretty funny. Look at you two now!!”

“I know right … Okay so anyway, I have to get to hair and makeup and I think you do too, Sean baby You can come with me or walk around whatever you want to do.”

“I’m going to head to my moms, pick up Cass and bring her here she should be awake now.” I smiled.

“YES! That’s a wonderful Idea, Then I can meet her later!”

“She can’t wait to meet you.”

“Tell her I feel the same way.” I said with my arms wrapped around his shoulders, swaying left and right on my tippy toes.

“Alright … He kissed my cheek … I’ll be back.”

“Okay, See you later … J. We have so much catching up to do.”

“Hell yeah, I can’t let you get away without catching up.”



“Did you have fun today Cass?”

“Yeah lots of fun, you look so pretty.”

“Thank you. So did you.”

“Can we come back tomorrow?”

“Yep, I got one more day of shooting then were done. Where’s your daddy?”

“He leave.” She said matter-of-factly, playing with her doll in the chair. I frowned and stood to my feet.

“He left, when?”

“A long time ago.”

“Hmm, Okay I’ll call him. Lets go walking.” I extended my left hand for Cassidy to grab it, she did and smiled up at me. I couldn’t help but notice how Sean was acting, like he didn’t want to be around the music scene or have anything to do with what was going on today…



“My mama!” Cass yelled, I looked up and my eyes widened as an angry Regan fought through the crowd of fans.

“Regan what are you – No it’s okay let her through … Why are you here?”

“No! Why are you here? I told you I was coming here and that I would tell them when I was ready--”

“Mama I missed you.”

“I missed you too baby, give mama a hug.”

“Sean doesn’t know you’re here … I didn’t tell him anything.”

“Good keep it that way. I didn’t even want her to see me. Now I need to go before anyone else sees me.”

“Why do you keep running?” She sighed and sat Cassidy down, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“I’m not running … I’m exploring. I need to explore … Alone.”

“Okay but don’t you think your hurting people … Like your daughter, she wants to know where your at too.”

“Shes too young to understand what’s going on.”

“You cant use that excuse forever.”

“It’ll work for now.” She said plain and simple, she straightened her purse on her shoulder and kneeled down so she was eye level with Cass.

“Mama, why you crying?”

“Mama loves you, but I have to go.”


“Because I just need a vacation.”

“From me?”

“No, never honey…”

“And you said shes too young to understand? Think again…” I mumbled.

“I have to go.” She said quickly, running off just as fast as she came, I shook my head as Cassidy looked off confused.

“Come on Cass, your daddy should be on his way.”

“Where is mama going Elle?”


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