One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction] Chapter 12.

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Chapter 12:

“Okay, call me when you two get in the house.”

“Will do…”

“Alright, bye.”

“Hey babe.”


“How was the funeral?”

“The service was nice, and simple … How was your day?” He helped me pull out of my coat and hung it up, kissing me on the cheek in the process.

“It was cool, I had Cass with me the whole day at work, got off early and took her shopping for a little bit, got ice cream … A regular father daughter thing.”

“Sounds amazing.”

“It was, are you hungry?”


“Elle!” Cassidy screamed running around the corner and jumping into my arms, touching my hair and hugging me tight. That soon became her regular routine everything she saw me. I gave her a squeeze and sat her back down on the couch. She grabbed my hand pulling me down with her.

“Hey pretty lady, how you been?”


“How was your day?”

“Good me and daddy went everywhere and around the world.”

“Around the world? No way?”

“Yeah, we had fun.”

“That’s good to know, you look so pretty today.”

“Thank you.” She smiled wide.

“Cass go get the books and toy I got you to show to Elle.”

“Kay.” She yelled getting off the couch and running towards the room, Sean sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

“So let me guess … Today you played the strongest one out of all of them…”

“What would make you think that?”

“Your make up is as perfect as it was when you left, did you even cry?”

“I don’t cry.”

“Right … So someone else was crying when we went to see Titanic in 3-d.” I chuckled and slapped his shoulder playfully.

“You know what…”


“You better be glad my phone is ringing I’d hate to have to beat you up.”  I joked kissing his lips before answering the phone.


“Yeah, what’s up Ronnie?”

“So, great news you know that song you recorded a while back only giving it to you or--”

“Only wanna give it to you…?”

“Yes, that one … How about after you performed that at the club the other night I got a call from a video producer that wants to produce the video … For the song.”

“You're lying?”

“I’m not.” My cupped my hand over my mouth and began to jump up and down, Sean stared at me like I was crazy.

“What else do I need to know?”

“Well, I will be seeing you in California in two weeks?”


“…Yes, it that a problem?” I cleared my throat and moved away from Sean who was smiling hard and listening in on the conversation.

“No, no … It’s not a problem.”

“Okay, we will talk to his management then and hopefully began shooting the video.”

“That’s wonderful.”

“And good job that night at the club.”

“Thanks … A lot.” I said shocked, Ronnie usually never commented on anyone’s acts, he was all business all the time. After a few more minutes of talking I finally hung up the phone, Sean was now watching a movie with Cassidy on the couch.


“Not yet, but you should ask me for my autograph now, because in two weeks … I won’t know you.” I joked; He laughed and pulled me onto his lap.

“We should celebrate.”

“Yeah we should, where should we go?”

“Call up your girls and find something nice … I’ll make it a surprise.”

“I can do that … Come on Cassidy; let’s find you something to wear.” I smiled and grabbed my phone walking into the bedroom.



“Hey, did you talk to Regan at the funeral?”

“Uh … Yeah.”

“How is she?”

“She was … Mourning, like everyone else.” I studdared struggling to zip up my dress and trying not to make eye contact.

“Why do I feel like your hiding something…?”

“I’m not.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah … I‘m sure.”

“…I still can’t believe you’re going to California, I use to live there you know…”

“You did? I never knew that!!”

“Yeah grew up in LA.”

“You should go--” I stopped mid-sentence and turned to him, before I could change my mind he smiled.

“You said I should go … You want me to?”

“Uh … Yeah?” I questioned.

“Okay, I’ll go … It’ll feel good to be back home.”

“I bet.”

“Anyway, you ready to go?”

“I am daddy.”

“You look beautiful Cass.”

“Thank you daddy.”

“You’re welcome.” She smiled and twirled around in her dress, I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I couldn’t believe I just invited him to California, what if we were to run into Regan and she told him I knew she was here the whole time. That would cause a big problem in our relationship and everything was going good. I had to figure out a way to get him out of going … And fast.

Before it was too late

One of those days [Elle Varner Fan Fiction]Where stories live. Discover now