Chapter 9

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Oh Hey, It's My Girlfriend

Sophie limped towards the car, while holding back the tears that formed at the corner of her eyes. She looked back one last time to the family that took her in as their own for this entire week. She couldn't work out what they meant to her.. but she knew that whatever it was, wasn't fake like the relationship she imposed here as. Sophie waved in their direction as all waved back with smiles. When Sophie was seated and the door was closed, she let the river flow from her eyes, this time letting it pour without holding back.

"Are you done?" Nathan finally decided to ask after the crying increased in volume.

Sophie looked at the man sitting in the drivers seat with hands on the wheel and a smirk on his face. She smudged her hands over her cheek and rubbed her eyes in a messy manner. "Yes." She sniffed.

"Good. You were getting a tad bit annoying."

Sophie wrinkled her nose. "Oh please. Enough with the comments?"

"Fine." Nathan brushed a hand through his thick hair. "Guess I could sit in the same car without insulting you... no, no I cant."

Sophie huffed. Its okay Sophie, only 4 more hours and your free.


"Stop, stop, stop!" Sophie banged against the window.

"No." Nate drove past the restaurant with a huge smile on his face. He was enjoying her pain way too much.

"Please Nathan. Please, pleeeaasee." Sophie jumped up and down on her seat.

"Can't you hold it?"

"NO! Do you want me to piss in your car? Cause I will if you don’t go back and let me pee!"

Nathan would hate that. He loved all his cars. Having no other option, he u-turned back to the small restaurant at the side of the road.

"Thank you!" As soon as the car was parked, Sophie burst out and stumbled her way into the restaurant. Every now and then saying ouch to herself, but not being able to stop because of this bathroom emergency. 

Nathan shook his head in annoyance than slowly made his way out of the car. When he walked into the tiny coffee shop, a ringing sound indicated that someone entered. He saw a woman in a white shirt, probably the baker, standing there shouting something at Sophie. When he walked closer to the two, he could make out the words more clearly.

“First you need to buy something!” yelled the lady.

“Just one sec-“ Sophie whipped herself around to face Nathan. “Oh thank god you’re here.  Now go buy something.” She started for the washroom, after adding a gesture of ‘go go’ with her hands.

Bewildered, Nathan stared at the chubby, elderly woman who only scowled under her breath. “People think this is a restroom! Pee and go!” She threw hands in the air in frustration.

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