Chapter 5

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Breakfast went by fairly fast, especially once the young Demi-saiyans decided to ask a lot of questions about why Gohan was there, and why no one could find Mirai all night. Of course, that started out questions from Bulma of why the boys were up at that time. That is about the time that breakfast was called to a halt, and everyone split. As the boys ran out the back to go play, Mirai and Gohan ran out the front, skidding to a stop once they opened, the door, taking themselves and Piccolo by surprise. Piccolo blinked, and lowered his hand, having been about to knock. Mirai blinked, looking at the serious Piccolo. Piccolo looked at the still surprised Gohan, then back at Mirai.

"Mirai...we have to And alone."

Mirai frowned at Piccolo, But nodded. "I'll be back in a bit Gohan."

Mirai and Piccolo flew a bit, until they were out of hearing range.

"Alright Piccolo...what is it?" Mirai frowned, crossing his arms across his chest, not looking happy.

"Mirai, Dende sent me...he wants the capsule." Piccolo spoke calmly, watching Mirai carefully.

Mirai's frown grew into a scowl. "what...he doesn't trust me? I can do this myself! I don't need anyone's help!"

Piccolo frowned, sighing softly. "I told him this was a bad idea. Alright, fine. I'll make a deal with you...If you can go 2 weeks, starting tomorrow without any drugs, And I'll get Dende to back off!"

Mirai nodded, crossing his arms across his chest, looking very much like his father when irritated. "Deal....just one question...why does he care about my promise? I'm not even from this time? And neither is my promise."

Piccolo shrugged. "He's Guardian of the planet. You live here now...and he is worried about them falling into the wrong person's hands."

Mirai simply chuckled, his lips curling into a soft smile. "It's alright Piccolo. No one would dare mess with my things. With what I have from the future, and everything that happened. Those will be gone long before anyone decides to try and snoop through my belongings."

Piccolo simply nodded and turned, flying off towards the lookout. "Remember have friends now."

Mirai couldn't help but smile at the thought. Laughing softly, Mirai waived A goodbye to Piccolo as he flew back to Gohan. Landing in front of him, Gohan chuckled, walking to Mirai's side as they walked.

"Mir! You look happy again! Like when we first met...after the Cell games..."

Mirai couldn't help but smile taking a deep breath as he placed an arm around the taller boy's waist, Gohan placing his arm around Mirai's shoulders. "I was so overcome with sadness from losing my family in my time...I forgot I had a family and friends took Serious Piccolo to make me realize and get me to calm down...I think Gohan...for once something might be going right for me."

Gohan and Mirai continued to walk all through the day. It was night time before they stopped by the edge of a lake. Setting up a Capsule Corp temporary housing unit, they went about catching fish, which took an hour longer than it should because of their goofing around, and started to cook dinner.

At CC, People started to wonder and worry about Mirai and Gohan, especially Chichi and Bulma. Vegeta was trying to read a newspaper while the women talked, trying to ask him questions and get him to say something. With the addition of The brats running around and making a fuss, and Kakorot saying one stupid thing after another, Vegeta couldn't help but blow up, shouting that if anything was wrong they would know and to leave it alone. This only got everyone shouting at him, and the brats shouting louder. Vegeta stood up, walking outside, getting a headache from the whiney voices.

Seeing his friend get up and leave, Goku fallowed. He knew Vegeta about as well as anyone but Bulma did, and was Vegeta's best, and really only real friend. They didn't say much, Goku asking a few questions about Mirai and Gohan, but other than that, they sat in the calming night, staring up at the sky, Vegeta cooling off as he let his mind wander, and Goku just sitting there, admiring the stars.

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