Chapter 10

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"You think staying in here will help you escape your punishment?"

"No I figured I'd get enough time away from You that I could get my problems dealt with before you forced Your problems on me!"

"You're the reason Trunks got harmed!"

" You think I don't know what!" Mirai stood up, holding his arms out. "Look at me! I've gone through hell these last 6 months and Finally I get a chance to relax, and YOU ruin it!"

Mirai sat gently running his hand through Gohan's hair, trying to get him to relax, the poor boy shaking in fear, his father sill passed out from shock, Vegeta simply walking over, and on Goku as he paced back and forth, agitated. Mirai wrapped his arms around Gohan, holding him gently, the boy practically sobbing.

"I don't care what you do with the brat there, but I ever fine that you are using that...that Crap again I'll personally kick your ass!"

Mirai looked at Vegeta as he glared at Mirai, their eyes locking. Vegeta was fuming, Mirai was surprisingly calm.

"Why not? Why do you care what I do?"

Mirai watched as he caught Vegeta, even Gohan stopped sobbing, looking at Vegeta. Vegeta went to shout something at Mirai, but caught himself, his cheeks flushing slightly as he realized he had been caught. He frowned, turning his back to the boys. "Of course I do!...You're my son...nothing will change that..."

Mirai smiled, a tear in his eye. This was the first, and only time he ever heard from his father that he really loved him. Gohan coughed softly, getting Vegeta's attention.

"What do you want brat?"

"Uh...Vegeta...sir...your standing on my father..."

Vegeta looked down, and frowned, realizing he was standing on Goku's chest. He stepped off, walking out towards the heavy gravity. Mirai rubbed his lover's cheek gently, leaning his head down to softly kiss his lips.

"I should go after him..."

"Your...going to leave me?"

"I'll be back...I promise."

They shared one last, passionate kiss, before Mirai stood, pulling on a pair of boxers before he ran after his father. Gohan looked down at his father, and sighed. This was going to be a long day.

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