Chapter 9

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Gohan could only watch as the days passed, and Mirai slowly started to grow more distant. He always ran off into the deep emptiness to train, always going alone, and always refusing to let Gohan come with him. Gohan watched as the man he loved slowly withered away. He was finally going through withdrawals, but he forced himself to suffered alone. It pained Gohan, having to watch him beating himself up the way he did.

Mirai trained like his father, forcing himself to fight himself until he could barely walk, then to drag himself back to pass out on a bed. Only difference was Vegeta had more control.

Gohan watched every night, laying curled up to his love, feeling his chest move as he breathed. Every night he watched Mirai's skin pail a little more. He could only imagine what went on in Mirai's head, what drove him to bolt upright from deep sleep, sitting on the edge of the bed, holding his head.

It had to be his past. The horrors of having to sit there and watch the world around him being slowly destroyed by the androids. Seeing it crumble under their attacks, until the earth could handle no more, and started to break apart. The horror that must be for a child. Unable to help. Feeling useless.

This night was like the rest. Mirai stood leaning against a wall, looking out over the emptiness, one shaky hand holding his robe closed. He tried to hide it, tried so hard to be strong...but everywhere Gohan looked, he could see everything taking it's toll on Mirai. Gohan didn't train much, but instead kept his eyes on Mirai, watching to see if he fell, if he needed help. Many a time during Mirai's training, he almost went out to pick up the fallen prince, but watched with a small sense of pride as he picked himself up and walked back on his own.

Gohan sat up, unable to take it anymore. For half a year they had gone on like this, Gohan trying to hold onto his distant love, and Mirai growing more and more distant. Gohan walked over to Mirai, wrapping his arms around the waist of his shorter lover, holding him close. Mirai closed his eyes as he smiled, placing his hand on his lover's.

"What are you doing up sweetie?"

"...Come to bed's cold."

Mirai chuckled softly, leaning back into his lover's arms lightly. "that's because you keep turning the thermostat down!"

Gohan sighed softly, tightening his grip on Mirai, almost like he was afraid he was going to leave, "Please Mir... We haven't cuddled in so long... Your always out training until you come back barely conscious, then you pass out. I just want to have my old Mir back."

Mirai smiled softly, "What so now your calling me old?"

Gohan frowned, not in the mood for the jokes. He started to pull away from Mirai, but Mirai tightened his grip on Gohan's hand. They stood there, for a few moments, just standing close. Mirai made the first move, and taking Gohan's hand, pulled him to the bed. Gohan smiled, sitting besides the man he loved as Mirai sat on the bed. Wrapping their arms around each other, they laid back, gently and passionately making out as they finally started to relax together.

Arms entwined, Their lips locked, eyes closed as their tongues danced slowly in each other's mouth. Pulling out of the kiss, Mirai smiled, licking up a bit of drool from the corner of Gohan's lip. Seeing Mirai smirk, Gohan couldn't help but crack up laughing, making Mirai roll his eyes.

"Here I go, trying to be sexy and you laugh!"

Gohan wrapped his arms around Mirai's neck, pulling him into another short, but loving kiss. "I can't help it! You look so darned cute!"

"Cute? I'll show you cute!"

Gohan gasped, laughing as Mirai reached down, tickling at Gohan's only ticklish spot. Mirai stopped soon after starting to tickle his love, moving to kiss his lips gently. Mirai slowly ran his hand up and down Gohan's bare hip. Gohan's hands moved up, pulling lightly at Mirai's robe, trying to tug it off. Getting the hint, Mirai sat up, pulling the robe off, and tossing it to the side. Like many a time before, their hands moved slowly and sensually across the other's chest and body, their touches as caring and caressing as their kisses. Having yet to go beyond that, both secretly afraid.

They continued to kiss and caress, hands moving to play with their partner's more intimate parts. Coaxing soft moans and whimpers for their throats. Looking into the other's eyes, they simply smiled, nodding, understanding that they were finally ready for this.

" you want to use-?"

Mirai didn't even have to finish. Gohan smiled, a soft blush across his cheeks as he shook his head. They shared kiss after tender kiss, eyes closed as they savored the moment. Toned, muscular bodies rubbed against each other, the soft shimmer of sweat starting to coat their skin. They moaned into each other's mouths, hands grabbing at buttocks and nipples, gripping and rubbing at their lover's flesh, arousals growing as they ground their bodies together.

Mirai slowly started to move down his lover's body, making Gohan nearly mew in pleasure. Mirai's lips caressed Gohan's hot skin, kissing along his neck and shoulder, before moving across his collarbone, nibbling along it as he continued down at an agonizing pace. Gohan's body quivered in delight at the kisses and teasing, his hands latching onto Mirai's hair and shoulder, gently gripping both.

Gohan's back arched slightly as Mirai's luscious lips brushed his nipple, his tongue dancing slowly around the rose hued nub. Gohan panted softly, his eyes closed as he moaned softly, Mirai's lips and teeth working with his tongue to send Gohan's senses into overdrive. Gohan gasped and moaned, whimpering softly when his nipple grew cold, Mirai working his was back down.

Mirai smirked, feeling his younger lover squirming under him. He drew his tongue slowly down and across his lover's stomach. He paused to lap at Gohan's navel, gaining a squirm and a coo from his lover. Mirai chuckled, moving down even lower, his tongue and lips caressing Gohan's spread thighs, sucking softly on his flesh.

Gohan's hand dug into Mirai's hair, pulling gently as he whimpered in need, trying to pull Mirai to his throbbing arousal. Mirai complied, moving up as his hand reached up, wrapping gently around his lover's arousal as he gently and slowly started to pump on his penis, trailing soft and gently kisses slowly up and down it's length. Gohan panted and moaned, gasping loudly as Mirai's lips wrapped around the tip of his penis. Gohan dug his nails into the bed, gasping and moaning as Mirai started to suck on Gohan's tender flesh, his tongue dancing along the sensitive slit while his hand slowly and gently pumped on his shaft.

Gohan moaned, panting heavily as he gripped at the bed, his other hand stroking Mirai's hair lovingly. Mirai's other hand moved up to cup Gohan's balls in his palm, rolling and rubbing them firmly as he continued to suck.

"Hey GohaaaaaAHHHH!!" Thunk! A sudden cry and thunk got the boys attention. Gohan blushed deep red, grabbing Mirai's robe and covering himself with it, looking like he was about to die of embarrassment. Mirai just sighed as he felt a pair of strong, hard hands grab him by the back of the neck, and toss him again a wall.

"What the hell? Nice to see you too Father!"

Mirai and Vegeta exchanged glares, neither in a good mood.

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