Final Chapter

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Bells rang, happy and joyous, why shouldn't they? The sun was shining over a restored earth, birds were singing, and the groom and bride were standing at the alter. Gohan looked so nervous, Videl was as well, but they were smiling, happy. Vegeta was standing beside Piccolo in the back, in about as close a thing to a tuxedo as anyone could ever get him in. Goku and Goten watched with Chichi, Trunks sitting beside Bulma, the women keeping the children from playing, or fighting.

The procession was beautiful, flowers and people everywhere, exactly one year after Kid Buu's destruction. Buu stood with Hercule, and his puppy, watching in silence, smiling his large goofy grin, as usual. Hercule tried to not cry, seeing his little girl marrying her sweetheart. As they were saying their vows, the door silently opened enough for a person to slip in. No one really paid the person much attention, except Piccolo and Vegeta, who were standing in the back. Seeing the male standing there, they both stiffened, readying for a battle, but he only smiled, raising his finger to his lips, quieting the two as he watched, smiling softly.

No one uttered anything until after the vows were done, and the moment of peace sealed their unity. As the two kissed, the figure turned and left the church, everyone cheering for the couple. Vegeta ran out of the church, Piccolo only watched him, and then looked back at Gohan and Videl. Vegeta didn't make the most silent of exits, causing the people in the church to follow after him to see what was wrong.

Gohan made it out to see the leather clad motorcyclist Vegeta had spoken to take off, Vegeta stuck holding a sword. Gohan looked at the sword, and felt his heart sink. He thought he had lost Mirai when Kid Buu was destroyed, and they couldn't wish him back. No one told him why they couldn't though. He felt tears form in his eyes as Vegeta walked to him and his new bride, and handed him the sword. He had a strange look on his face, slightly angered, slightly pained. "A last minuet wedding gift...from a friend..."

Vegeta took off, heading back to the capsule Corp, not having a reason to stay anymore. Goku frowned as he saw the sword, especially after seeing the tears in Gohan's eyes. Gohan smiled though, and hooked the sword over a shoulder and around his back, like Mirai had done so many times before. When Videl asked about it, he could only smile through the tears, and say a very old friend came back, one last time, to pay his respect.

The congregation returned to the church with the promise of food, Goku in the lead. Gohan stayed back, and looked out towards the trail of dust from the bike, and waived slightly. "I forgive you...for everything, except for leaving me...Mir...I still love you..." Gohan laughed as Videl called for his help, Goku having gotten into the food already, and no one knew how to stop him. Laughing Gohan ran to the church, the kids passing him as they were chased by Goku, the kids having stolen trays of food before they escaped.

Mirai smiled as he sped down the road, tears in his eyes as he headed towards the outskirts of town. "'s time to go home..."

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