Chapter 6

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Laying on the grass outside the temporary shelter, Mirai and Gohan laid side by side, sighing in content, happy with their fish meal. With their nearest hand gently holding the other's, fingers entwined, they smiled happily, looking up at the stars, relaxing. They laid there in silence, both wondering who was to make the first move. Both boys were timid, unsure of how to go about this, but Gohan was slightly more adventurous of the two, at least at this moment he was.

"Mir? I...I was wondering...this may sound like a stupid you like me?"

Mirai smiled, chuckling softly. "Now Gohan, you know I like you Very much."

Gohan frowned, trying to gather the courage to ask this question. "I...I know you like you Like me like me?"

Mirai sat up, leaning back on his arms. "what do you mean Like you like you? Do you mean...Love you?"

Gohan crossed one arm over his chest, feeling very vulnerable and nervous. "Actually...yes..."

Mirai could only sit there and think. His life had been in such a turmoil, was this really love? Or just a way to hold onto what had been left of his fragmented sanity. Thinking of how he had seen Gohan when he first came back, the emotions he felt just seeing his smiling face, the emotion he saw in his younger friend's eyes, Mirai could only smile, a warmth flowing through him.

"Actually Gohan...yes..." Mirai's voice was soft.

Gohan froze, forgetting to breath for a moment. He looked at Mirai, surprised and in disbelief. "Wh...what did you say?"

Mirai took a calming breath, deciding it was now or never. Moving over, Mirai pressed his lips to Gohan's, kissing his gently and lovingly. Gohan stiffened in surprise, but relaxed instantly, a hand wrapping around to gently grip at Mirai's silken hair. Their lips parted, tongues batting and rubbing against the other's. Mirai moved on top of Gohan, his hand slowly sliding up the younger boy's shirt.

Mirai moved slowly, not wanting to scare his soon to be lover, but he was caught off guard though as Gohan rolled them over, tearing Mirai's shirt off. Mirai smirked up at Gohan, who was blushing madly as he ran his hands slowly, sensually across Mirai's chest, his fingers gently tracing the lines of Mirai's muscles. Mirai sat up as Gohan pulled off the rest of the material, leaving him bare from the waist up.

Sharing a few quick, passionate kisses before Gohan pushed him back down, Mirai smirked as he gently rubbed Gohan's legs and thighs, watching eagerly as Gohan pulled his shirt up and off. Mirai's hands drew up Gohan's thin frame, sending shivers down the young man's spine. Mirai's hands seemed to find and brush against every sensitive and tender area on Gohan's chest, coaxing soft moans from the younger boy.

Rolling them once more, Mirai kneeled below Gohan, Gohan's legs draped over Mirai's knees. Mirai smiled down at his blushing lover, leaning down to lightly kiss his neck. Gohan laid back, trying to relax as he felt Mirai's hot breath against his neck, his feathery kisses sending Gohan into a euphoric state.

Using one arm to brace himself up, keeping him from falling onto his younger lover, Mirai placed his hand on Gohan's knee, slowly sliding up Gohan's long and thin leg, to his hip, gently caressing his skin through his pants' material. Gohan gasped softly, raising a hand to gently grip at Mirai's soft hair once more. Mirai licked and sucked softly on Gohan's long neck, coaxing more whimpers and moans from his younger lover, his hand still rising up Gohan's side, rubbing and caressing the skin, taking in every curve in his side.

Gohan's eyes closed as his back arched slightly, losing himself in the feeling of his soon to be lover's actions. His heart was racing, the light touches doing things to his body he never thought possible. His heart was pounding, his mouth dry, his body seemed to grow hotter and hotter as he was touched by lips and hand, but that wasn't the only thing growing. Gohan's pants, normally lose, were growing tighter by the second, a tent starting to form in his pants. Blushing in shame, Gohan looked down, smiling slightly as he saw a similar tent in Mirai's pants.

Mirai gasped softly, blushing as he looked at his smiling boyfriend. Closing his eyes, Mirai moaned softly, his hand gripping at Gohan's flesh. Gohan smirked as he continued to rub, having moved one hand down to Mirai's tent. Mirai locked his lips with Gohan's, their tongues rubbing and rolling around each other's mouths, savoring the mix of tastes.

Soft moans came forced from their throats as hands hit home, pulling at each other's clothing, tugging them off. Within minuets, the two laid on top of each other, panting slightly as they looked each other over. Their touches turned tender as they slowly ran their hands along their more sensitive areas. Rubbing and caressing gently, their hands ran across the other's skin, lips brushing in soft and loving kisses. As Mirai leaned in for another kiss, Gohan turned his head away, wrapping his arms around Mirai's waist.

"Gohan....what's wrong?"

Gohan sighed softly. "I...I'm sorry...I...I can't do this. It's too soon..."

Mirai smiled softly, turning Gohan's head towards him. Mirai softly kissed Gohan's lips, gently brushing his cheek. "It's alright Gohan...I understand...let's go inside and lay down. Kami you look beautiful."

Gohan blushed deeply, leaning up to gently kiss Mirai's lips. Standing up, they gathered their clothes and walked into the temporary shelter.

Back at CC. Trunks and Goten were laying around in Trunk's room, extremely bored.


"Yah Goten?"

"I'm bored..."

"I know Goten, I am too."

"What do you wana go do?"

"Wana mess with my father?"

" Nah, not this about Mirai?"

"He's gone with Gohan."

" Oh...Hey! He came from the future right?"


" So? So he must have some cool things from the future right?"

" Yah! Your right! Hey, let's go take a look at what he has!"

"Think he'll mind?"

"Nah! He's me after all!"

The two boys laughed as they ran into Mirai's room. Looking through the room, they first found Mirai's sword, and ogled over it, then put it down after Trunk's finger got nicked. Sucking on his finger, Trunks searched under the bed while Goten picked up a red capsule on the window sill.

"Hey Trunks! Why is this one red?"

"I don't know Gohan," Trunks crawled out from under the bed and stood up, taking the capsule in his hand. "I don't know, Let's find out!"

Mirai slept soundlessly that night, Gohan sleeping on his chest. They slept happily on the bed, sans clothes, only a simple sheet wrapped around them as well as their arms to keep them warm. Feeling a large power level close, Mirai groaned, shifting as he started to wake up. Blinking his eyes open, Mirai froze, his eyes locking with an extremely pissed Vegeta. Mirai went to say something, but Vegeta held a finger to his lips, telling him to keep quiet. Vegeta dropped his power level and walked to Mirai's pants, picking them up and tossing the, to Mirai. Motioning to the door, Vegeta left, giving Mirai time to get dressed.

Mirai kissed Gohan's cheek as he finished dressing in his pants. Walking outside, Mirai closed the door, gulping as he stepped towards his father. "Father...I know what this looks like but-"

Vegeta cut Mirai off with a look. "I don't care about that boy, What I want to know is what was in the red capsule?"

Mirai paled, trying to remember to breathe. "...T...Trunks?"

Vegeta grabbed Mirai's shoulders, shaking him. "What Was in there?"

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