Chapter 13

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Two weeks after Mirai disappeared, feelings were joyous once more, Gohan was going to start school in the city soon. Everyone was gathered for a congratulatory party. Even Piccolo showed up to the party, though he was only there to give news to Vegeta, who was, once again, off training himself.

Yamcha and Krillen were there with 18, 18 with Bulma and chichi talking, while Goku, Krillen, and Yamcha were off goofing off. Gohan was silent, looking off into the distance, lost in thought.

Gohan turned, smiling slightly at Piccolo as he spoke, floating as he half meditated. "Your brother is off with Trunks...feels like they are fighting again...they have gotten very strong for their ages..."

Gohan chuckled softly, smiling as he looked up at a passing cloud, fighting back the threat of tears. "I know...they are stronger than I was at their age...They will rival my father's power soon enough..."

"You're thinking about him again aren't you?"

Gohan's eyes widened, then he sighed, closing his eyes, crossing his arms across his chest, trying his hardest to remain calm. He knew his voice betrayed the pain in his heart, but he had to get over this. "Yes...but I'll forget him soon enough...he's forgotten me already..."

Piccolo frowned, closing his eyes as he went back to his meditation. "Giving up've really changed Gohan."

Gohan frowned, and turned, walking back into his home. No one noticed him go into the house, and only piccolo could have heard his soft call to the flying nimbus. Sitting on top of the cloud, Gohan flew off, not caring where to. Before he realized anything, he was sitting on the hovering cloud, looking down at the same waterfall that he and Mirai had shared their first tender moments at. The cloud lowered to the ground, allowing Gohan to dismount before it flew away. Gohan's heart was beating loudly in his ears as he walked up to the slope that went behind the waterfall, leading to the small cave where they had held each other for the first time. His heart was racing as he squeezed into the entrance, taking each slow step, holding his breath, waiting to see the man who still held his heart. Entering into the cavern, Gohan's eyes swam with tears, his chin lowering to his chest as he turned his head away.

His voice choked, barely making a sound, as he fought to talk, "Mir...Kami..."

The party was called to a stop once they noticed Gohan was gone. Fearing the worst, they all split up, heading out in every direction they could, looking for any sign of the teen. Doing probably the smartest thing he had in a long time, Goku pressed 2 fingers to his forehead, and appeared inside of Vegeta's training room, and was instantly blasted in the back. Grunting loudly, Goku fell to the ground, the sudden change in gravity too much for him. Vegeta panted as he stood in the same place as he had been, and frowned, moving to turn the gravity off. Wiping his face with a towel, he turned his back to Goku.

"What do you want Kakorot?"

"I was stupid...Gohan's gone...probably looking for Mirai."

Goku stayed kneeling on the ground, his head lowered, a tear falling to the floor of the machine. Vegeta snuffed, having gone cold and reclusive once more since Mirai disappeared. "Well he's not here...and Gohan's out of luck. A few days ago Mirai came back and left before anyone saw him. He took his jacket and sword and left."

Goku cursed, actually surprising Vegeta, who had never really heard him curse before. Goku stood up, and grabbed Vegeta's shoulders, turning him around to face the taller Saiyan. "Vegeta...please...I've never really asked of anything from you before...I need your help...I need to find them and get them back together..."

Vegeta frowned, looking irritated. "If you'll release me, I'll think about it." Goku's hands instantly released Vegeta's shoulders as he gave him a hopeful and pleading look. Vegeta sighed, walking out of the training room, grumbling. "If this is the Only way I can get rid of you then I'll help you!"

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