Chapter 14

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Mirai sat at the edge of a frozen lake, bare from the waist up, and covered in sweat and blood. For a week he had done nothing but train until he was too wasted to stand, pass out inside of his capsule house, then bathe in the ice water after he smashed a hole in it. Sighing, he picked his blood-stained sword up, and stood up. His break was over. Mirai started to tread through the knee-high snow. He sighed, shivering slightly. The snow was starting to fall again.

Mirai took a deep breath as he looked his sword over, He'd have to clean it again tonight. Mirai continued to tread through the snow, unable to shake this strange feeling he was being watched. Shaking it off, Mirai started to walk across the frozen lake, careful to stay away from the thinner ice. He found out the hard way that after suppressing his power level for a week while training in this terrain, it took a bit to power up, and trapped in the freezing water, under solid ice, it's not easy to break out to the surface.

Feeling four power levels raising from the south, he paid them no attention, like always. Feeling them drawing closer, he looked over towards the powers, cursing as he recognized them. He had to hide...if they saw him like this, It would kill Gohan. He'd never forgive himself. If not Vegeta would take him back to face his mother, something else he couldn't do.

Mirai frowned, they were getting closer. Thinking fast, Mirai ran to the thinner part of the ice, taking a deep breath before he slammed his foot down, smashing a hole in the ice. Dropping into the freezing water, Mirai swam up and coughed, before taking another deep breath. Lowering into the water, he started to swim, heading to an underwater cavern he had discovered a time ago, when trapped in the water. It lead down, then back up, to a lake near his capsule house.

Gohan, Goku, Piccolo, and Vegeta landed near the edge of the lake, looking around. Vegeta was the first to notice an old trail of blood, Piccolo found a newer one. The snow was picking up, making it harder for them to find any trace of a trail. Smelling smoke, Goku shouted for them to fallow it, figuring Mirai was at his 'Home', the smart place to be.

Breaking Ice is easy, when your not trapped under it, freezing your ass off. Mirai managed to find the ice near his home, but was having a hell of a time breaking through it. The falling snow wasn't helping. Running out of air, Mirai panicked slightly, finally managing to slide the blade of his sword through the ice. Gripping the sword in his hands, he cried out under the water, his power level surging as he pushed his power into the sword, shattering a hole in the ice, large enough for him to crawl out of. Laying on the snow covered ice surrounding him home, he coughed, shivering violently, unable to feel his hands and feet after that.

Having felt Mirai's power surging, Gohan took off, speeding towards his love, trying desperately to find him. He had a feeling he was going to be too late. Finding the hole in the ice was the easy part. Gohan floated above the ice, looking around, trying to find any sight or sign of his love. Each second seemed to last an hour. Catching sight of the glint of metal, Gohan flew down, crying out Mirai's name.

Mirai groaned, hearing Gohan's panicked yell. He was caught. Mirai grunted as he forced himself to stand. Lifting his sword, Mirai was knocked down with a yell, Gohan having tackled Mirai to the ground, clinging to him. Kami he was so warm, Mirai could only wrap his arms around Gohan, shivering as he clung slightly to him.

Mirai was freezing! Gohan looked down at him, worry in his eyes. He saw Mirai's soft smile, and sighed. Standing up, Gohan wrapped an arm around Mirai, helping him walk to the capsule house, Mirai's sword clasped tightly in his hand. Entering the building, Mirai's name was shouted by Goku, making both Vegeta and Piccolo, not only flinch but turn and look. They frowned, seeing the state Mirai was in. Gohan sat Mirai in a chair, while Goku went to grab them a large, warm blanket. Vegeta put another log on the fire, frowning, not too pleased with Mirai's state.

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