Chapter 15 The Great Saiyanman has a partner?

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Gohan sighed, looking up at the school clock. Seven Minuets...Seven, Long, drawn-out- make that Six, Six long drawn-out minuets until school ended and he could finish his plan. When He first told Mirai and Vegeta, who were reading newspapers, his plan to train and make a name for himself, even Vegeta had to stifle a snicker. But with Bulma's help, his idea was about to become real. And he was going to drag Mirai into it as well.

He had gone without training for too long. They both had. Since they got back together, Mirai rarely trained even with Vegeta. That was saying a lot. Gohan's plan would get them both training for the upcoming tournament, and his mother wouldn't know about it. All the better for him. Oh she'd know once she saw him, but by then it'd be too late for her to say anything. Besides, she could use the prize money. Hearing the bell ring, having spaced out with his plans and ideas, Gohan jumped slightly. Gathering his books, he shoved them into his backpack before he ran to get outside.

Reaching the parking lot, he stopped, looking around for the familiar sight of his ride home. Since they moved into the city, he was always there to give him a ride, but liked, for some reason, to be late. Hearing the roar of a motorcycle, Gohan smirked, watching as the leather-clad Demi-Saiyan pulled up beside Gohan, holding a helmet out to him. No one had ever seen Mirai's face since he started to give Gohan rides, always hiding behind the helmet he wore, that matched his black bike. He was the heartthrob of every girl in the school. His legs covered in black leather, wearing black boots that replaced his old brown ones, and a skin tight black t-shirt, covered by a black leather jacket. He had the Bad-boy Biker look down, and it looked damn sexy on him.

Sitting on his black bike with flame decals tastefully placed over it, He looked like a figure off of the cover of the latest hard rock album put out. Gohan smirked as he put his helmet on, and sat behind his lover, wrapping his arms around his waist as he watched people staring in envy. Mirai started off with his usual, and flashy wheelie, before speeding down the street, Gohan clinging to him. Mirai laughed as Gohan pinched his side, Gohan hated the wheelie, but Mirai didn't care.

Mirai headed towards the Capsule Corp building, knowing Gohan had business there, and that his mother wanted to see for some strange reason. Pulling into the parking lot, Mirai parked the bike, waiting until Gohan had gotten off before he dismounted himself. Reaching up Mirai pulled his helmet off, his spiky hair not affected by the helmet, though Gohan's was a mess. Mirai ran a hand through his extremely short hair, waiting for Gohan to get ready. He liked it though, he even gelled it into spiked at times, which never lasted long because Gohan hated the look, though liked to play with his hair and the gel, often leaving him with either devil horns or a mohawk. There was that time with the pig-tails, but that is a different story.

Mirai yawned as they started to walk towards the building, having a feeling of dread pass over him. As they walked into the building, a security guard waived half heartedly, paying more attention to the monitor than the two entering. Saying a quick hello to 'Mr. Gohan and Mr. Briefs' The guard got a 'Hello Mac,' and a 'Yo Mac' as responses. Walking to back past the actual business, Mirai and Gohan headed to the actual home, sneaking a quick cookie and hug from Mrs. Briefs first. Mirai was still munching on his cookie as he hugged his mother, murmuring something like a hello around the cookie, then got smacked from Bulma, reprimanded for not chewing and swallowing before talking. Trunks laughed at Mirai, only earning him a dark look.

Gohan and Bulma walked off talking, planning something, leaving Mirai free to chase Trunks, and soon Goten, the pair having tagged up on Mirai, taking him down as they laughed. For some reason, Mirai got along great with the kids, until a certain daughter of 18 and Krillen's arrives. Trunks and Goten liked her, but according to her, Mirai was her 'boyfriend' which lead to more fights. Gohan didn't mind, he thought it was cute. Mirai thought it was annoying, but he put up with it for her.

Mirai sighed as Goten and Trunks ran off, and Gohan and Bulma's voices made him remember why he was there. Groaning, Mirai got off of the ground, taking a moment to untie his shoes and mentally note he had to destroy the 'Brats' later for tying his shoes together...again. Walking into the room Gohan and Bulma was in, he dusted himself off. Looking up at them, Mirai froze, staring.

Now Mirai had seen some pretty stupid things in his life, but this took the cake, And he couldn't say anything about it. He could only stare, wide eyed in amazement at the outfit that Gohan was proudly sporting. When Gohan struck a pose, Mirai had to cover his mouth, about to crack up laughing. Mirai managed to calm down, but still couldn't manage to say anything.

"So, Mir, what do you think? It's my Superhero costume!"

Mirai had to clear his throat, not trusting it. He looked Gohan over, from the visored helmet, down the cape to his boots, then back up, still unable to say anything. Finally he managed to think of something to say.

"Gohan...I'm not going to lie to you." With that, Mirai turned and started to walk out of the room.

Gohan blinked, looking at himself in a mirror. "What?"

Bulma rolled her eyes. "Mirai...Well I think you look wonderful. Gohan."

Gohan walked out of the room yelling for Goten and Trunks to come. They arrived, and stared at Gohan in his flashy outfit.

"Uh...Gohan...what's with the clothes?"

"Good question Trunks! I'm going to become a super hero! So how does it look?"

I think you look like a dork. "Uh...pretty cool Gohan..."

"I like it!"

"Thanks Goten! Hey! Will you two do me a favor and go find Mirai, we made him one and I want to see how he looks in it."

Trunks and Goten chuckled, smirking darkly as they sped off, searching for Mirai. Bulma only sighed when the sounds of battle started up, the boys found Mirai. Growing annoyed with the shouts, screams, and laughter from the stalling boys, Bulma just bellowed 'TRUNKS!' All noise stopped as they waited to see who was in trouble this time. Shouting 'Mirai' the second time, Trunks and Goten giggled as Mirai walked towards his mother, wondering what he had done this time.

"Yes mother?"

"You were being rude to Gohan! He asked you a question! Besides...he asked me to make an outfit for you as well!"

Mirai just stood there twitching. An outfit for me? Dear me... "Really?...ok...thanks...I guess...."

Gohan ran over, placing a special watch around Mirai's wrist. He told him how the watch worked, and Mirai listened to not piss his lover off. He pressed one button on the side of the watch, and stiffened, looking at himself in the mirror. He looked just like Gohan. The boys cracked up laughing, watching from another room. At a glare from Mirai, once he figured out how to remove the visored helmet, they took off running. Gohan smiled, walking over to Mirai, wrapping an arm around his waist.


"I'm not going in public like this..."

"Why not?"

"the world only needs one superhero...and it looks better on you than me!"

"You have no taste in clothes!"

"Nope! That's why I stick with black leather!"

Bulma simply chuckled as she walked to another room, coming back with another watch. Mirai used the watch he was wearing to change back into his regular clothes, then tossed the watch to Gohan.

"Awww! But you look so Cute!"

"Gohan...Cute or not...I'd rather go out dressed like i am than go out in that outfit. It's not me!"

Once more, Bulma ended up being the voice of reason. "Well...Why don't you just go like that? You said yourself the world needs only One superhero, you could just step in when Gohan was in desperate need of help."

Thinking for a minuet, Mirai smiled, nodding. "now that I could do."

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