Chapter 11-A

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Gohan and Goku

Gohan stood up, walking to pull on a pair of shorts. Walking to his father, he lifted him up, laying him on the bed. He sighed, looking at his father as he slept. He looked so peaceful.

Standing up, Gohan took a few deep breaths, slowly pacing back and forth, running his hands though his hair as he tried to think of how to explain to his father what had happened.

Hearing a groan, Gohan gulped, looking back at Goku, seeing his father start to sit up. Gohan sat on a chair, waiting for the yelling. Gohan was sweating bullets as his father sat up, rubbing his head. Seeing Gohan, Goku smiled.

"Hi Gohan!"

Gohan just sat there, stupefied. "uh...hi feeling ok?"

"Head kinda hurts, but other than that, I'm ok."

Gohan just stared as Goku smiled, looking as childishly innocent as his younger brother. He shifted nervously, fidgeting as he waited for something to happen. Goku finally sighed and patted the bed. Getting the hint, Gohan sat on the bed, looking ay his father. Goku took a deep breath before he looked seriously at Gohan.

"Gohan...about what I...walked in on...I want you to know, that I only want you to be happy..."

Gohan waited, Goku was going somewhere with this, and Gohan had a sinking feeling in his stomach he knew where it was going.

"But Gohan...Your still young...You just turned 18. You have your entire life to find happiness. And think about it, He used drugs...who knows what else he's done. He has violent tendencies that rival Vegeta's."

"But...Dad! He stopped! I know I've been with him this entire time!"

"and what has he been doing? Training day and night?"

Gohan looked down. He loved Mirai, but Goku had a point. He would beat himself up all day, leaving himself a wreck. It hurt Gohan to see him doing this to himself, it was far beyond any training he had seen anyone do, except when Goku and Vegeta got into their spars.

"Gohan...Your going to start high school soon in the city...If you stay with Mirai you'll only end up hurting yourself...besides, Mirai's a bit too old. You need to find someone around your age, with interests like your own."

Gohan had tears in his eyes as he thought about what his father had said. He was right. But, he couldn't just leave Mirai...could he? How would Mirai take it?

Goku moved over, wrapping his arms lovingly around Gohan, holding his son reassuringly.

"It'll hurt you both to begin with, but you'll soon realize it was for the best...Besides, don't you think Mirai would be happier with someone his own age? Someone who's gone through the same things he has, someone who can understand him better?"

"but...I understand him...I know his pain...I know how he works..."

"Do you? When he has that lost-in-thought look in his eyes, can you understand what he's thinking?"

He couldn't, and honestly he didn't think anyone could ever understand Mirai. Mirai had gone through so much, in a different time, in a different world, how could anyone ever understand him?


"...Dad...your right...maybe...maybe I'm not the best person for Mirai..."

"'ll hurt at first, but you'll feel better soon. I promise...besides, your mother would have thrown a fit because she wouldn't have had a chance for a grandchild!"

Gohan smiled, chuckling softly, tears in his eyes. He felt torn apart inside. He loved Mirai...or at least he thought he did. He was second guessing his own feelings now, even the happiness he felt when around Mirai. He stood up and walked over to a wall, leaning against it as he crossed his arms across his chest, trying his hardest to not break down crying, and failing.

"It'll be ok son...when Vegeta and Mirai get back, we can leave and return home."

"...yes dad..."

Gohan looked out over the vast emptiness, looking at the small dots that were Vegeta and Mirai, their power levels raised having been sparing the entire time.

'Maybe...maybe he's right...maybe...he's not the right person for me...'

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