Chapter 7

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Bulma kneeled next to the bed, her makeup running down her cheeks as another tear fell, staining her blouse. Her hand reached out to gently stroke the unconscious boy's hair, a soft sobbing coming from the bed, his best friend laying beside him, afraid to leave his side. Goten lifted his head as he felt power levels approaching the house. Softly whispering their names as he smiled, hope in his teary eyes.

"...Vegeta...Mirai! There back!"

Bulma lifted her head, the sadness slowly becoming overcome with anger as she stood, glaring at the door. Goten started to gently shake Trunks, telling him everything would be ok now, Mirai was back. He'd be able to help. Mirai landed outside the CC and nearly ran inside, Vegeta walking in after him, looking serious. Mirai walked right into the medical bay, and was welcomed by Bulma's famous, 5 fingers of death attack. Not in the mood to put up with anything at the moment, Mirai rose a hand, giving his mother a very dark and serious look as he caught her wrist. Bulma froze, seeing so much of Vegeta in Mirai, that it actually frightened her.

Mirai released Bulma's hand, and walked over to the sleeping Trunks. Goten tightened his grip on Trunks' hand, staring fearfully at the expression on Mirai's face. Mirai reached down and placed his hand on Trunks' neck, gently feeling for his pulse. After a minuet, Mirai seemed to start to relax, reaching up to gently open one of Trunks' eyes, then to stroke his hair lovingly.

Bulma walked over to Vegeta, standing beside him as she watched her future son with her son. She had no idea what to do. She started to sob, watching Mirai gently stroking Trunks' hair in such a caring way. Vegeta had been watching Mirai intensely the entire time, but softened slightly as he looked at Bulma, who continued to sob. He reached over in a sign of slight affection, gently rubbing her back. Bulma looked at Vegeta the pair of them sharing a look, before they looked over at Mirai.

Mirai reached over and gently stroked Goten's hair, getting him to release Trunks' hand. Mirai whispered something to Goten, who ran off to do as he said. Mirai picked the young boy up, cradling him in his arms as he walked towards the door, stopping as Vegeta stepped in his way.

"Where are you going Brat?"

"He's sick, but he'll be fine it'll take a week max."

"Where are you taking him?"

Mirai sighed slightly. "The next week for him will be hell, I'm taking him to where he can go through everything in silence. With you two here, mother will never leave him alone, and with You fighting and training, you'll distract him."

"So where are you going to take him then?"

"I'm taking him to where I can treat him myself. He'll be back in no time."

Bulma stepped towards Mirai, not noticing that Goten had returned. "But...I can't go that long without seeing my baby boy."

Goten spoke before Mirai could. "Oh we'll only be gone a minuet! He's gona take us to the HBTC so trunks can get better in seconds!"

Mirai sighed, and nodded. Bulma looked from Goten to Mirai, then nodded her consent. Vegeta saw Goten holding something in his hand and frowned.

"where did you get that boy?"

Vegeta took a step towards the frightened Goten, but Mirai appeared in front of Goten, one hand lowered to take the red capsule, pocketing it before he took Goten's hand. "I told him to get it...let's go..."

With Trunk over one shoulder, and Goten close by his side, Mirai walked to outside the Capsule building, then took off, the 3 heading into the air, and straight towards Dende's lookout.

Dende was waiting as Mirai landed, no one saying a word as Dende watched Mirai walk by, Mr. Popo watching them with worried eyes. Dende stopped Mr. Popo from fallowing Mirai with one outstretched arm. He knew what Mirai planned, silently wishing him luck.

Mirai walked carrying Trunks carefully in his arms. Piccolo opened his eyes from where he sat, hovering in the air. Looking out the open door, Piccolo could only sigh and close his eyes, having seen Mirai carrying the young Trunks past.

Mirai couldn't take his eyes off of his sleeping, younger self while he walked. Feeling a power level he knew, he stopped dead in his tracks, too ashamed to look up as Goten ran forward, clinging to the tall Son standing in front of the HBTC, sobbing softly.

"Trunks' sick! He won't wake up! Is he going to be ok Gohan?"

Gohan could only stare at Mirai as he held the sleeping boy, his own hand lowering to soothingly stroke Goten's hair. "yes Goten...he'll be fine...won't he Mirai?"

Mirai sighed, he knew he was in trouble now, Gohan didn't use his pet name. "He'll be fine...he just needs a week to relax and recover."

Gohan and Goten walked into the HBTC, Gohan looking serious and worried. "then we'll get this week over with...and Mirai...I want you to tell me everything that's going on. Your hiding something, I know it."

Mirai sighed, fallowing Goten and Gohan into the HBTC, this would be the longest and hardest week of his life.

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