Chapter 23

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Goku and Vegeta walked through the inside of the evil monster known as Buu, having finally been eaten themselves. Their arguments and slight bickering could be heard far through the being's body, but their own voices echoing back was all they could hear. Though neither would let it show, both were worried almost sick. Friends and family were imprisoned inside this creature's body, and hopefully were still alive.

It didn't take much talk from Goku to get Vegeta to fuse with him, especially since Vegeta had arrived just in time to watch his future son become food for the pink monstrosity. Though their power fused together was immense, the earth trembled and quaked in fear of the battle to come, and what a battle it was. Buu could barely touch the fused pair, even after he had changed them into a piece of candy they still managed to put up a great fight, but even with their combined powers, Buu was just slightly more powerful.

Arguing over directions, Vegeta froze, staring ahead of himself. This caused Goku to eventually stop his complaining, and look.

Amongst the organs, laying in a bloody pool, having been blasted through a few organs, as well as beaten bloody himself, Mirai laid, fighting to move as pink tried to wrap around him, like it had Gohan.

Vegeta erupted in a flash of golden anger, rushing to his son's aid, only to become sideswiped by Piccolo. Gotenks soon following after Piccolo, but upon seeing Goku, he turned, the boys chuckling as they launched their attacks against him, leaving the wounded but still too stubborn to die Mirai at the hands of Gohan.

Mirai could barely see the figure of his father and his hero as they battled the figures, nor could he see Gohan as he delivered a kick to Mirai's already bruised and broken ribs. Mirai cried out, blood bursting from his parched lips as he was sent flying only to kicked back by Piccolo, giving Vegeta the distraction he needed to lend a hand to Mirai. Soon Goku made his way, both he and Vegeta standing shoulder to shoulder, creating a barrier between Mirai and the others. Mirai forced himself to stand, against not only Goku and Vegeta's warnings, but the one his body was screaming. Weak as he was, he was still strong enough to stand, strong enough to fight to live, and so he was strong enough to fight in general. Knowing the limits of his body though, he placed his hands on his almost protectors' shoulders, transferring what energy he had left to both Vegeta and Goku. Their shot open as a power surged through them, before Mirai collapsed to the floor, if it could have been called that. With renewed energy, Goku took on his son, Vegeta taking on the kids and Piccolo.

Mirai was breathing what seemed like his last breaths as he started to black out, feeling his body's wear being far worse than it looked. Even though closing his eyes and drifting away felt like such a good idea, Mirai continued the personal struggle with himself, watching as the others fought. He saw the way they moved, his father, Piccolo, Goku, Gotenks, and especially Gohan. Frowning he saw something strange, something not right. Mirai's eyes flared open as he fought to move, fought to get away from the ever raising pink goop that was Buu's body. Mirai managed to stand, but not for long as the pink substance rose around his legs, causing him to fall, but not before shouting. "It's Not Gohan! He's Not Real!"

All that could come to his mind as Mirai fell was that he was floating. Feeling Goku and Vegeta's powers surge, he smiled, knowing he had done something right he had done good. Unfortunately he hadn't, nor would he ever, forgive himself. Time was nothing as he slowly fell to his side; the putty-like body of Buu's climbing rather quickly up his legs, and rising to catch him as he fell. Time slowed, Goku and Vegeta's power levels flared unlike he had seen before, and Gohan, the man he held his arm out to, wanting to tell him how much he loved him, even if it was a fake, turned into a giant cake.

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