Chapter 19: The end of all good things

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Gohan's shrill scream of pain echoed through the flatlands. Power levels surged across the planet as battles were raged, unfortunately for Gohan he had lost his battle, and the love of his life.

Gohan's tall, thin body stiffened in pain as he grabbed at the ground, holding onto it for dear life, almost as if he was afraid of falling off the planet. His muscles strained, his eyes teared as he clenched them shut. He had been through pain before, Cell had taught him the definition of the word, but this, this was pain unlike anything he had ever felt before.

Mirai's shorter, but stronger body moved slowly, rocking almost lovingly into Gohan as he thrusted. Having entered the boy dry and hard, he easily tore into his tight anus, the blood that dripped from the wound the only lubrication to be found.

In an act of rebellion against his raping captor, Gohan's hands moved to Mirai's shoulders, pushing weakly, trying to force him off. As Mirai continued to rub and rock inside of the younger Demi-Saiyan, Gohan panted, sobbing softly, still trying to reason with his once boyfriend. Realizing he had actually lost him, the fact finally pressing in onto Gohan, he screamed in rage, hating Bobidi for taking his love from him, hating him for causing this.

Gohan glared at the figure kissing at his neck, continuing to rock into him. That wasn't Mirai, It may be his body, but it wasn't the man he had grown to love. Screaming in rage once more, Gohan powered up, pushing Mirai up off of his chest, before slamming a fist into his cheek.

Mirai frowned, hardly phased by the punch. Reaching up, Mirai's hand closed around Gohan's wrist, twisting it painfully as he let a low, dangerous growl pass trough his throat. Raising his free hand, he released a punch of his own, causing Gohan's face to turn to the side, his nose dripping blood as he glared at the man who was attacking him.

All self control left Mirai as he reached to Gohan's leg, lifting it as he continue to twist Gohan's wrist, his thrusts growing hard and vicious. Gripping at the younger boy's flesh with bruising force, he growled, slamming continuously into the tight, bloody passage. Gohan's screams of pain only fed his rage, fueling his lust.

Feeling his, surprisingly hard penis rubbing against Mirai's taunt, rippled abs, he continued to cry, fighting back the moan that was breaking through his throat. He SHOULDN'T be enjoying this in any way! Yet, that talented man was hitting every pleasurable spot, his hands were strong and almost protective. Why was he feeling like this? He was getting raped, and he was enjoying it? No, he couldn't, No he wouldn't, but yet, he was.

Gohan's anger grew as he thought back on it all. He was just being used, he was always being used, and now it would end. Mirai had changed his position as he raped the younger boy, kneeling between Gohan's legs, practically forcing him to watch as Mirai continued to ruthlessly slam into him. Gohan's power surged, then faltered. He would have attacked his once love, but feeling the hand at his leg move to his own arousal, Gohan gasped loudly, moaning as Mirai's surprisingly gentle hand rubbed the length of Gohan's straining cock.

Those talented fingers, dancing slowly from tip to base, then back up. There was love in that touch, love that urged Gohan nearer towards his completion. Did he really care? Mirai moaned softly, continuing to thrust into Gohan, his thrusts having sped up over the course of time, but were becoming more gentle, his hand moving from Gohan's wrist to link fingers with his hand. Gohan had fresh tears in his eyes as he sobbed, not from pain, but his broken heart.

He was in there, but he wouldn't stop it, he couldn't. It was over, Gohan could never forgive Mirai for this, his fault or not. Nothing could right this wrong. Gohan sobbed as he felt another moan passing from his lips, driving him to hump up into Mirai's hand. He was so close, yet so far.

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