Chapter 20: Death

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How could he be so weak? The one person he came to protect, he raped, and beat. As tears fell across the ground like rain, Mirai powered up, readying for his last battle. He didn't believe he would make it through this fight, and if he did, well he'd come to that then. Buu was controlling the battle with his father, he could feel Vegeta's power level falter and slowly start falling. Screaming his rage at not only himself, but at Bobidy and his creation. It was their fault, this entire thing was their fault, but it was his as well for not fighting back harder, for not being stronger! If he had only been stronger, than he and his father would have came through on top. Yet he had been weak, let his heart become twisted, and it closed off from the world, forcing his love, his shining light to become harmed. He did the one thing he had sworn to never do to anyone. Not after the androids, he wouldn't let anyone go through that again, but he did. He let it happen, and worse, he was the one who ended up raping him. And this wasn't just Anyone, it was his love, his heart, his reason for living. As he headed straight for Buu's figure, who was heading straight for his wounded father, the only thing he could think was, maybe it would have been better to never have come back at all.

Buu rose his arms, readying to slam them down into the slowed and weakened fighter, but even he could be taken off guard. As Mirai slammed into his side, Buu was sent flying, Mirai standing there, staring emotionlessly towards his figure, not even bothering to look at his father, who stood, shouting insults to his son, claiming he would take care of Buu on his own. Moving Vegeta went to send Mirai off, but seeing the expression on the pained male's face, the smell of blood and musk coming off of him, he frowned himself, looking off towards Buu. He knew that scent, he knew that look, and he knew not to ask questions about it.

He didn't explain what he was planning to his son, but as Mirai himself started together his life and spiritual energy together, creating a ticking time bomb inside of his own body, Vegeta did the same. They had the same idea. As they screamed out, powers flaring in unison, raising in a giant light, the power felt all over the earth, shaking it's very foundations, Buu sped towards them, and their trap. As soon as Buu was within range for their liking, the two time bombs went off, in a large burst of burning light that tore a giant crater down into the depths of the earth, decimating everything caught inside of the blast, including the twin bodies who had been the bombs. And so the world seemed safe. But their waste was all for naught.

It took a few days, but Buu was back, reformed and strong as he had always been. Goku was now gone, Gohan training with the Supreme Kai, Piccolo and the others training as Buu seemed to settle onto the earth with Hercule as his new friend, and the world had no sign that Mirai or Vegeta had ever existed, save for Trunks who trained with Piccolo and Goten, and a sword, stuck into the ground of where Gohan had laid. As Gohan wrestled with the legendary Z-sword, his once lover's jacket was pulled across his shoulders, giving him strength and warmth. He knew Mir was gone, and as much as he hated himself for him, he had cried at the news. Goku was actually pissed for the first time since Gohan had been kidnapped by his 'brother'.

Vegeta and Mirai stood at the entrance to Hell, looking out amongst the enemies they had defeated long ago, and powered up, ready to fight their eternal war.

"You know didn't have to come down here..."

Mirai never looked at his father as he spoke, his voice cold and cruel as he spoke. "I deserved worse...I should never have been able to keep this body..."

Vegeta and Mirai kept their talk simple, for they were soon surrounded, and they had to defend themselves.

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