Chapter 8

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It had been one long week. Trunks was up and running again, having successfully recovered with no problems. Mirai wasn't around much once Trunks had woken up and was moving again. He often disappeared into the stronger gravity to train himself. After a week though, once he was sure Trunks was alright again, he walked to the door, opening it.

"Alright's time to go home."

Trunks and Goten ran out laughing, speeding past Dende as they headed back towards their homes. Trunks started to step out, but Gohan grabbed his arm, holding him back. Mirai gave Gohan a confused look as he pulled Mirai gently back, closing the door, keeping them inside.

"Gohan...what's going on?"

"Alright, I've went a week without saying a word, now you have to come clean...Why did you have the drugs? And why do you still use them?"

Mirai yanked his arm out of Gohan's grasp, frowning. "I'm not using them!"

Gohan looked sad, and turned back towards the door, going to open it. "If you can't trust me with this then how can you trust a life with me?"

"No! Wait!" Mirai sighed walking to sit on one of the beds, running a hand through his hair. Gohan walked over, sitting on the bed opposite him, watching him.

"Back in my time...when I was young, every day I got my ass handed to me by those androids...every day more people I knew and tried to protect died...every second the earth died a bit, and so did I. One day when I was young, I woke up after a brutal beating, and found myself on a cot. A few people had risked their lives to bring me to a safe place. I remember the day like it was matter how hard I try I can't forget it. They were a bunch of teens.

"They worked with me, trying to get me better. While we were just chatting, one of them offered me a smoke of something. I declined their offer, but he said it would make the pain go away...Remember how you were after your fight with Cell? That's how I was...and with no modern medical treatments left intact. So I said what the hell and took a hit. I can't remember how many of those I had that day...but they were right, the pain did go away. I was hooked. The next day we spent the entire day just doing only Kame knows what.

"After every battle after that I went to them. I spent more time with them than I did my own was my escape...from that hell I was in. I always had the chance to quit, the choice, but there was never a reason to. I managed to stop when I went to the wasn't hard then...the fresh world around me...I had no need for the drugs, besides, I forgot to bring them, I had others things to worry about.

"Once I got back though, it was 2 days before I destroyed the androids, because the first day I got so stoned, I had to spend the second one recovering. It only got worse as I spent almost 4 years looking for Cell. And the Bojack incident didn't help. Once Cell was dead, I had no reason to keep it up, and I slowed down. I didn't stop though...I never stopped. My mother knew about it...I don't know how long though. She confronted me about it once, and I snapped at her.

"I apologized, but I never forgave myself...I seriously tried to stop then...but something always came up, always dropped me down...always made me turn back...I found peace in the stupor the drugs left me in. I used less and less, but they became more and more powerful. When I left, my mother almost begged for me to leave them behind...but I made a deal with her...and I've broken it many a time."

Gohan could only stare at Mirai, Mirai's head haven dropped in shame not long into his story. Gohan frowned as he stood up, holding out his hand. "Mirai...the capsule."

Mirai looked up, frowning at Gohan. "why?"

"Because if you won't help yourself then I have to!"

Mirai stood up, looking down as he slid his hand into his pocket, watching his hand as he pulled out the capsule. The end of his lip curved up in a dark smirk as he looked up at Gohan, something shining in his eyes. "No."

"No? Mirai I said-" Gohan stopped, watching as Mirai walked over towards the heavy gravity, smirking. "Mirai?...Mir? What are you doing?"

Mirai chucked the capsule into the air, charging up a Ki blast. "Gohan...brace yourself...ever wondered what happened when you destroy a capsule?"

Gohan's eyes went wide as he watched, the Ki blast fly towards the capsule, Mirai turning Super saiyan as he braced himself, having done this before. There was a bright explosion as the capsule and the Ki blast connected. The air rushed suddenly towards the implosion, then rushed away violently, making Mirai grunt, crying out as he thrown back by the blast, landing on the ground over near where Gohan laid, both of them waiting for the wind to die. Everything suddenly just calmed down, the haven in shambles, a wall having a hole in it and a bed missing, having flown through the wall, causing the hole. Mirai chuckled darkly as Gohan looked at him stricken.

"That was fun! Can we do it again Gohan?"

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