Chapter 21

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For the Saiyans, Hell would have seemed like Heaven, all the Enemies they could fight, and no end, but for Mirai, the ability to sit alone, and almost cry over what he had done was a fitting torture. Vegeta's punishment though wasn't getting hurt and beaten at times, but knowing his son needed him, and not knowing how to help him.

Vegeta could see the pain Mirai was going through, his breathing ragged, nearly sobbing with his chin pressed to his quivering chest, every time he could look towards him. He had to protect not only himself, but his son now. And it was wearing him down. Clearing the evil forces away, finally able to rest himself, Vegeta walked over to Mirai, and frowned.

"Boy...what happened?" His tone was different, not accusing, though not really sympathetic either. He hoped he could help once he knew what was bothering the boy, but as Mirai spoke, even Vegeta was taken by surprise.

"I raped him..." Mirai's shoulders trembled as he spoke, his voice so near cracking, so close to breaking "...I raped Gohan bloody...then beat him until he passed out...I probably continued...but...he was torn open...bleeding...h-he....I used him..."

Vegeta blinked, trying to say something, but unable to. His son had raped Kakorot's kid. Vegeta didn't want to admit it, but he knew, deep in his heart, he couldn't help Mirai if Kakorot got his hands on him. Vegeta looked down, frowning as he tried to think of how Mirai could get out of this situation, but nothing came, except one thing. "It wasn't your fault-"

Vegeta was cut off, as well as almost knocked backwards by Mirai's power as he suddenly became a Super Saiyan. He stared, watching as Mirai only stood, balling his fists tightly, as he prepared for the upcoming war. "He may have tried to use me...but it was My lust...My desires...that drove Me to do what I did..." Mirai had convinced himself it was his fault, and in truth, it was. He felt the fire burning inside of his heart, a fire that drove his actions; in this case it was blowing the head off of Burter of the Ginu force in a flash. Vegeta barely was able to turn around before the body had been blown away as well. Mirai was no longer pissed at himself, but at everything.

Vegeta only watched as Mirai flew off, leaving a trail of destruction behind himself. If he wasn't meant to be in Hell before, he was now. He let the darkness into his heart; he'd forever be condemned to this fate now. Vegeta sighed, looking towards the clouds high above that separated Hell from Heaven; Mirai from a probably raging Kakorot. Vegeta sighed, closing his eyes for a brief moment, for the second time in his life, he asked Kami to protect someone other than himself. He opened his eyes just in time to block the fist of a now annoyed Freiza, before throwing his own fist into the man's face. Seeing Cell flying towards Mirai, and Mirai being distracted by others, Vegeta went to shout a warning, but in a blink, Mirai had vanished.

On Earth a scream of rage pierced the quiet forest, a very much alive Mirai standing in the crater he had died in. Off in the distance, he could feel Goku, as well as a strong power that felt remarkably like Gohan's.

"Goku? Gohan...Buu!" Feeling the power that he had tried to destroy, still threatening the planet, Mirai sped towards the fighting power levels, his anger at himself still darkening his heart. It was all his fault, or so he told himself. And now he had a chance to make it right, if only in his eyes.

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