Chapter 16: Enter the Devil.

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Weeks passed and the Great Saiyaman's name grew around the city, as did word of his partner... who...showed up when he thought appropriate. They were thought hero's, when the partner was thought of at all. Late one weekend, Mirai was walking through the woods, heading out to the Son residence, unable to find his lover and figuring him there. Feeling Goten's power level, he chuckled, heading towards it, figuring Gohan there as well. As he neared the clearing where Goten was, he stopped, frowning as he felt a smaller, strange power level. Walking into the clearing, he watched this young woman hovering off of the ground, and Gohan standing ready to catch her.

Mirai frowned, unable to stop thinking of who in hell this woman was, and wondering why Gohan was bothering to teach her anything about how to access and use her powers. Realizing what he was thinking, Mirai smiled, chuckling as he shook his head. This woman was no threat to his and Gohan's relationship, why was he suddenly so jealous?

Gohan heard the chuckle, and flashed Mirai a soft smile, before looking back at the woman. Watching her land, he laughed, smiling at her. Mirai smiled as well, this was a proud moment for Gohan, though Mirai frowned slightly as she hugged Gohan, laughing. Clapping slowly, Mirai smirked as the woman nearly jumped, then relaxed, glaring at Mirai for having startled her. She had guts, Mirai had to give her that.

"Don't scare me like that!"

"Trust me...if I wanted to scare you I'd have shouted Duck When you were in the air."

"Mir...Be nice! Videl, this is Mirai, Mirai, this is Videl."

"I've seen her around school sometimes."

"School?" Videl looked over at Mirai, then snuffed, smirking. "You're the biker boy who always gives Gohan a ride!"

"Yep. Don't think you can ask for one, my bike is for me and Gohan only!"

"Mir," Gohan frowned over at Mirai, he could already tell he didn't like Videl too much, and he didn't want to see his new friend, though she was blackmailing him, hurt. "Be nice to her! She's my friend."

"I was being nice!" Mirai walked over to Gohan, smiling innocently, but from the cross look on Gohan's face, Mirai knew he didn't buy the whole innocent act. "Ok! At least I'm not blasting her!"

"Blasting? Wait....I know that jacket! You're his Partner! Did you ever get a name? I don't think I've ever heard it."

Mirai chuckled, shrugging with one shoulder. "I have a's Mirai. And I'm no partner...I just make sure the bad guys don't escape before Gohan gets credit for putting them away...And Gohan...I guess that's how she managed to get you to give her lessons. Blackmail?"

"Actually...yah..." Gohan chuckled, scratching his head. "she caught me in the act of changing and I agreed to give her lessons...but I am actually enjoying this so I think I can forgive the blackmail."

Gohan and Mirai chuckled as Videl frowned, but once she started yelling at Gohan, Mirai could only roll his eyes. She was so much like his mother. Soon Videl calmed down, the yelling having only been joking, and she sat down, sighing as she took a breather.

" long have you two been at this? She needs a breather already?"

"Enough Mir...she is learning this faster than I did! This is our first lesson."

"Oh...damn...Hey Gohan...we need to really start training for the tournament...shall we give her a taste of real fighting?"

Gohan frowned, shaking his head. "We don't want to overwhelm her...We've been doing this nearly our whole lives...she just started."

"Correction, You've been doing this since you were what? Five? I've only been doing it since I was twelve!"

"Mir...I thought you've been doing this longer than me!"

Mirai smirked, chuckling. "We've been doing this about the same amount of time really, remember I'm older."

Gohan frowned, pouting slightly. "Your Twenty six...I'm Nineteen-"

Mirai chuckled, shaking his head. "Not for another month your not!"

"Fine, Eighteen...I've been doing this longer!"

"Oh? What about all of the years spent as a human studying?"

"Wait..." Mirai winced as Gohan flashed him a dark look. "What do you mean as a human?"

"he means....erh..."

"I mean instead as the flying superhero. He isn't flying around all of his life! He likes to be normal every now and then."

"Yah!" Gohan chuckled, scratching the back of his head as he smiled as innocently as he could.

Videl was starting to suspect something, but decided to bring it up later. Standing up she dusted herself off and reached into her pocket for a capsule, tossing it to the ground as a scooter appeared. Mirai couldn't help but look the scooter over a bit. It was one of the most expensive ones out on sale, this girl had money. She waived and said she'll be back again tomorrow for more lessons, before flying off of the scooter. Mirai walked over to wrap an arm around his slightly taller lover's waist, chuckling as he joked.

"She's rich...and not too bad to look at...You picked yourself a nice one there Gohan!"

Mirai's smile disappeared as Gohan decided to joke back. "thankfully she agreed to our Date tomorrow! She may soon become my new superhero partner!"

Mirai stood stunned as Gohan flew off to find his brother. "Wait...Your kidding right Gohan....Gohan?" Mirai looked around, realizing his lover was gone. Taking to the air, he sped after Gohan, slight panic in his voice. "Gohan!! Please tell me you were kidding!"

Gohan stopped, looking back at Mirai with this playful grin on his face. "What's this? A mighty king of Saiyans Jealous over a mere human?"

Gohan continued to fly, laughing as he made fun of his lover. Mirai continued to fallow Gohan, frowning. "That's Not funny!"

Gohan continued to laugh, until Mirai managed to tackle him to the ground. Gohan stopped laughing when he saw the sad look on Mirai's face, then he sighed, kissing his lover softly. "Listen...I will never do anything with her! I know you can't take much more loss."

Mirai frowned slightly. "Oh it's not you I's that...Devil!"

Gohan frowned, "it's Videl!"

"Same thing! What if she tries hitting on you! Or even worse! If she tries to push herself onto you?" Mirai was trying his hardest to stay straight faced as he joked. He wrapped his arms protectively around his lover, clinging to him possessively. "You'll never voluntarily hurt a human! I'll have to fight her off myself! That would be a funny fight...until I grew tired then I'd just snap-"

"Mir!" Gohan smacked his lover upside the head to get his attention, seeing he was rambling again. Not something he was prone to doing, but it was annoying when he did do it. "She means nothing to me...she's a student and a friend. You're my lover! I will never leave you! I love you."

Mirai smiled softly, capturing his lover's lips in a heated and passionate kiss. Releasing Gohan's lips reluctantly, he smiled, caressing his hair with one hand. "I know baby...I was just kidding....I'd never snap her neck...I'd rather skin-" Gohan smacked Mirai once more, who cracked up laughing. They eventually started to wrestle, Gohan managing to pin Mirai down, kissing him passionately. They stayed like that, until Goten landed near then, giggling. They shared a smirk, before the two older Demi-Saiyans moved, chasing after the, now fleeing Goten

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