Chapter 9 One Drunk Friend

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A week later I'm still in agony with my back, but today I'm seeing my best friend since birth Naomi she has just come back from Queensland she has been seeing her Grandma, I'm meeting her at a bar, I really hope none of the guys see me here because I'm not supposed to be drinking Rihanna's and Jay'zs run this town was playing in the background I was sitting at a table as she walks in Naomi has short dark brown hair and green eyes. I get up gingerly "hi what have you done?" She asks giving me a hug concerned "missed you."

"Missed you too" we sit down opposite each other "surfing incident."

"Still so glad I don't surf, glad your home.. how many bones have you broken."

"Me too,too many" I answer I laugh "how was Queensland meet any cute boys?"

" was good but the boys were not my type.. how about you huh?" She smirks "get lucky."

"No I didn't..I guess I still was into Chris." I smile she gives me a knowing look.

"What happened?"

"We are kind of together" she looked wide eyed .

"Give me details please". I begin to tell her the story about everything that happened in Bali "no way Meg.. fucking bastard so Chris doesn't know who" I shake my head "fuck" I continue "he is so sweet to you" she pulls her that was so cute face while taking a sip of her vodka lemonade I talks some more "I swear your bother did that last time does he have a sixth sense" I laugh, I have missed Omi I finish telling her the story "so the big question is have you done it yet?"

"Hello Back injury, couldn't even if I tired" she laughs

"Oh yeah, how have you kept it secret from you Dad?"

"It's been pretty hard so far but fun."

The night was going on and Naomi was getting drunker, I just stayed on Pepsi "You know how you pass out at pain ?" I nod "do you pass out when you have.." I laugh shaking my head.

"No..your drunk."

"You know Hoppo... he's hot for 40 odd" now that's weird he's my dad best friend "I'm not Megan".

"Ok then What's 10 times 20".


"200 come on home."

"Hey Megan..whose this?" Reidy said standing in front of us.

"Oh hi this is Naomi.. my very drunk best friend" I look up to see Chappo, Louis and whippet "hi guys ignore anything that comes out her mouth" then I see my dad and Hoppo oh shit "Naomi please keep your mouth shut" ah fucking hell they are coming over.

"Hello your Cute what's your name"  Naomi slurs asking Reidy. I love her to death but her drunk state pisses me off.

"Andrew" he answers.

"Hi Andrew..Hi Mr Chapman Megan is very lucky".

"You haven't been drinking? Chappo asks changing the subject I shake my head as I grab her hand.

"Hi Meg.. she drunk? I nod "it's usually the other way round" Dad laughs.

" and Mr Sexy.." Oh Jesus cry me a river and let me drown  Hoppo eyes go wide as the others laugh.

" I'm so Sorry, Hoppo  I'm going to take her home before she embarrasses herself" or me first she looks at me and smiles Naomi is so unpredictable when she is drunk.

"Megan do you need some help?" Chappo asks.

We manage to get drunken Naomi out the bar and into my car "thanks" I say after shutting the door of my red Mazda 2.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright, I'll see you in a bit, I'll come and join you all." He gives me a hug.

"Is it bad that I really want to kiss you right now" I lean up and kiss his lips what was suppose to be a simple peck turned into a mini make out session when we pull away I look up to see Maxi and Jesse with huge grins on their faces I feel my cheeks beginning to turn red

"Jesse and Maxi saw" I get into the car "see you in a bit" I start the engine.

"Great see you in a bit" I reverse out of the space as Chappo walks over to maxi and Jesse I hope they don't say anything.

I manage to get Naomi home her mum wasn't too happy, but thanked me, I texted Chris (hey Did you speak to them?" He replied.

(Hey yeah I did I just said we wanted to keep it quiet, Hoppo is still in shock and I think Reidy has a crush).

I drive back to the bar I take some paracetamol as I feel the pain beginning to make it's self known again I get out of my car wiping the few stray tears from face  "Megan" I hear Dad shout they were outside I walk over and sit down next to Jesse.

"Is Naomi ok?" Reidy asks.

"Yeah she is fine.. sorry about that Hop, she says what she thinks, when she is drunk."

"It's ok" he chuckled.

"A bit like you then" Maxi answers I give a look "That was the only way Chap knew you liked him" he smirks.

"To be honest I can't remember" I smile.

I stay for another two hours my phone rings it was my mum "hello" I move away from the group.

"When can you teach Alice how to surf"

"In Five weeks" she sighs "mum I have a back injury, I can't" she says something I wasn't expecting her to say.

"I saw you with Chris the other day Megan can he teach her, your on good terms now right."

"Mum I don't know.. it's not fair, I know your trying to keep Damian sweet but, I can't just ask him."

"Your right sorry, how are you since last time I saw you." I went over the day I was supposed to teach Damian's daughter how to surf she was so sweet.

"I'm ok...mum I could teach her the basic technique but I wouldn't be able to go in the water with her if she wants to do that then let me know."

"Ok thank you Meg bye" I hang up the phone and sit down again.

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