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Marina exited her rental car. Seth took her suitcase out of the trunk along with his as she walked over to him. He closed the trunk and she took her suitcase as she slipped her phone into her back pocket. 

"What did you choose as your entrance theme?"

"Begin Again by Purity Ring" she said as they began walking into the arena.

"Haven't heard of it," he spoke as he opened the door for her.

"I know that's why I chose the song," she told him as the two walked in, earning a light shoulder shove from him, "but I also chose it because the lyrics make sense to me and my character right now."

"Who are you up against?"

"Um," Marina pulled out her phone and checked, "Alicia Fox."

Seth scoffed, "easy match."

"Yep," Marina agreed as they entered their dressing room, "but you, don't have a match tonight."

"True," he said as he closed the door, "I'll just be back here cheering you on."

"Thanks," she pulled out her gear, "now get out I need to change."

He held his hands up in defense as he exited the room, allowing her to change.


Marina's theme played throughout the arena as the fans booed her. Alicia stood in the ring as Marina made her way down.

The bell rings, and Alicia cautiously approaches Marina. Alicia goes for a handshake, and Marina slaps her. Marina then hits a hip toss and a pair of clotheslines. Marina kicks her and hits a DDT for a two count. Marina drops a pair of elbows for another two count. Marina picks her up, but Alicia fights away and goes for a Scissor Kick, but Marina moves. Marina then hits a leg sweep for a near fall. Marina began to pick her up, but Alicia slams her down on the mat. Alicia goes for a big splash, but Marina gets the knees up. Alicia hits a northern lights suplex for a two count. Alicia then applies a chin lock. Marina fights up and hits a Codebreaker. Alicia quickly kicks her in the head and reapplies the chin lock. Marina fights up and backs her to the corner. Alicia kicks her in the knee and went for a northern lights suplex, but Marina fought out and countered by kicking her in the gut and hitting Dirty Deeds. 

Marina stood from the mat victorious as the referee held her hand up. She smiled at the camera as her theme played and the crowd booed her. The ref let go of her hand and Marina rolled out of the ring. She walked up the ramp and backstage.

"Boo!" Seth jumped out and scared her.

"Oh my god!" She jumped as he laughed then brought her in for a hug.

"Congrats on the win, Mav," he said as he released the hug.

"Thank you," she began walking to catering and he followed, "although I did not appreciate you scaring me."

Seth chuckled, "that was fucking hilarious though."

"Yeah, yeah," the two arrived at their destination and Marina sat at an empty table.

"I can't believe they made you choose a pop song for your entrance music," he shook his head.

"I don't hate the song," she wrapped her arms around herself after tucking her hair behind her ears, "I just wish they would've given me less girly options. I don't wanna be the girly princess that they want me to be."

"Yeah," he agreed as both of their attention stayed on the screen, "you aren't the damsel that everyone wants you to be."

"I'll ride with it for now," she shivered, "but if it continues, I will definitely be talking to someone about it."

Seth looked over and noticed her shivering, "take my zip-up."

He took off his sweatshirt and draped it over her shoulders, allowing her arms to weave through the sleeves and her to settle in her chair, "thank you, Lopez."

Seth rested his arm on the back of her chair as the two watched Ambrose and Wyatt as they fought for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship qualifying match. Roman entered the room. Marina spotted him and her face immediately lit up. 

"Hey," he said as he walked over to them, "how have you guys been?"

"Awesome," Marina responded with a hug before watching him take a seat next to her.

"Great," Seth had his eyes glued to the screen, "c'mon Ambrose!"

"So, you two are finally getting along?" Roman remarked, noticing their mirrored stances.

Marina shifted her hair to one side, shrugging, "something like that."

"You spend one night in a car with Maverick Collins," Roman started, "and the two years of a lack of communication with each other turns into a friendship."

"Something like that," Seth spoke as Marina chuckled.

"What can I say?" Marina put her feet up on the table, "I change people."

"Sure do," Roman watched the match unfold, "damn it, Ambrose."

Marina chuckled at the two men and watched the match herself.


Hello. So I'm very happy right now. Also, ignore the fact that in this timeline that song hasn't come out yet.

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