twenty two

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Marina tried not to scratch her nose as her makeup was being applied. She had not seen Seth all day because it's Wrestlemania. Her first Wrestlemania match was against Nikki for the title. Of course she was involved in Triple H's entrance the year prior, but now she was given her own match. She wasn't a valet for Seth's match or a part of someone's entrance, she had a singles match at Wrestlemania. Her whole family obviously flew out to sit front row for her. Willow had convinced Marina to tell her parents about Seth, but she didn't speak ill of him. Dean walked past her as she was getting out of the chair to change. Medical staff surrounded him as he winked at her, signaling that he was going to be okay. She looked at the monitor that was in the hallway to see Seth walking out.

"Shit," she turned the opposite direction to get to her dressing room.

Marina quickly, but carefully, got dressed in her attire. She slipped her shoes on then put her phone in he back pocket. Her gear was everything she wanted and more. Vince had changed the result of her and Nikki's match a few times because he couldn't make up his mind over who deserved it. She didn't really care about the ending of the match as much as her being in the ring with such a big inspiration for her. Marina walked over to catering.

"Oh my god," she heard Brie as she turned the corner.

"What," Marina sat down next to the younger twin.

"Rollins is just putting on a phenomenal match with Randy," Brie said before turning and looking at Marina, "holy shit, Rick, you look so beautiful."

"Thank you," Marina looked at the screen.

Seth ran from one corner to Randy preparing for the curb stomp when Randy reversed it into an RKO. It was one of the most beautiful things Marina had ever seen.

 It was one of the most beautiful things Marina had ever seen

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"Holy shit," Marina couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

"Are you and Rollins on good terms?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

"Maverick," Brie chuckled as Marina kept her eyes glued to the screen, "you've been avoiding watching his matches since December unless you needed to, and now you're smiling whilst watching this match."

"I'm not sure," Marina watched as the ref hit the ground three times.

"Bummer," Brie said as the match ended.

"We're up next," Marina shook off her nerves before heading to gorilla.

When she arrived, Randy walked through the curtain. She gave him a high five then turned around and ran into Seth. He caught her and smiled. She looked at him for a little then smiled. He looked down at her wrists, which were taped up, and then scanned her outfit.

"You look hot," he whispered before patting her ass and walking away.

"Maverick," Nikki said as she approached Marina, "did I just see you flirting with a certain cheater?"

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