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She tied a flannel around her waist as she took a deep breath. Seth knocked on the door, bringing her back to reality. Marina placed her phone inside her bag and opened the door to let him in. He walked in and closed the door behind him. Her back was facing him as she turned on the monitor in their dressing room. She plopped down on the couch and watched The Usos vs. The Wyatts for the tag straps. Seth sat down next to her, noticing how uneasy she was. He slung an arm around her and she reluctantly leaned into him. She had cleared her mind from what had happened 3 weeks ago.

"Hey, don't be nervous," he rubbed her shoulder and watched the Usos retain the titles, "you'll do fine."

"I'm more nervous for you and managing your time," she shrugged his arm off, looking at the clock, "shouldn't you be in an interview right now?"

"Shit," he stood up and ran out of the dressing room.

She smiled and shook her head. As she watched on, she anxiously chewed on her thumb nail while tapping her foot. The Seth Rollins interview came on and she smiled. Dean jumped out and attacked him then left. Her eyes were glued to the screen as AJ skipped out and Paige followed by galloping to the ring. Nikki knocked on the door frame.

"Hey," she leaned against the door frame, "they want you at gorilla."

"And they told you to tell me?" She stood up and crossed her arms.

"No," she scoffed, "they told Reigns, but I told him I'd tell you."

Marina walked towards her, "let's walk to gorilla then."

"Alright," Nikki said as they left the dressing room, "I have a question for you."

"Ask away," Marina said as she followed the Bella.

"Did you come here with Rollins?"

"Yep," Marina walked past her, "he and I have been riding together for the past two months."

"Wow," she chuckled, "so you two are becoming close?"

"I don't wanna talk about that," Marina looked at her taped wrists.

"My bad," Nikki held her arms up in defense, "I've missed having my niece around."

Marina chuckled, "I've missed having my Auntie Nikki bombarding me with questions."

The two approached gorilla and looked at the monitor, "you're gonna hold that championship one day."

"Yeah, I wanna take it from you," Marina bit her nail as she watched Paige counter the Black Widow.

"Bitch," Nikki nudged Marina, "point is, you'd make that championship badass."

"Damn right," Marina watched AJ counter the PTO, "damn, these two are good."

AJ hit the Shining Wizard on Paige and pinned her for the win. Her music sounded throughout the arena as she grabbed her title from the referee. Marina ran down the ramp and slid into the ring. She shoved AJ in the back, causing her to turn around. Marina delivered a Codebreaker to the Champ. She looked over at Paige and set up for a curb stomp, following through perfectly. Marina smirked as she picked up the Divas Championship and held it above her head. She brought it down and walked over to AJ. Marina looked at the title one last time before she threw it face up onto AJ's stomach. Marina backed up then rolled out of the ring. She walked backwards up the ramp and stood tall at the stage. Her attention turned to the camera as she smiled and tilted her head to the side.

She scoffed, holding up two fingers, "2 down."

Marina turned around and walked backstage. She started to remove the tape from her wrists when Brie and Nikki walked up to her. Brie hugged her and Nikki did the same after Brie released her. Marina continued to unravel the tape. She looked up to see the Total Divas camera crew behind the twins.

"You looked badass out there," Brie nudged Marina.

"Brianna," Marina chuckled, "I'm always a badass."

Nikki chuckled, "see you later, Brie and I have some stuff to do."

"Bye," Marina said as the twins turned around and walked away.

She continued unraveling the tape on her hands. The adrenaline hadn't gone away. As she finished, she made her way back to her dressing room. When she arrived, she pulled her hair up into a high ponytail before she took off her flannel and her shoes. She tossed everything into her suitcase and pulled out her Vans. Marina put them to the side with her glasses next to them. She exited the dressing room and made her way over to an empty hallway. All she wanted to do was get that adrenaline out of her system. Her feet left the floor as she jumped up and down repeatedly.

"Get out," she said over and over.

She dropped to the floor and did push ups. Marina developed a habit of walking around backstage without shoes on. The person who she developed it from was Seth. Granted, it wasn't professional, but Marina could care less. She stood back up and started lightly punching the wall then she turned around, leaning against the wall. Her body slid down before she sat on the floor. She brought her knees up to her chest and started breathing normally again.

"That was weird," a voice said.

Marina looked up at the source and smiled, "you're one to talk."

Seth chuckled and walked up to her. He helped her up.

"One last segment for tonight then we're off to Miami," Seth told her as they walked to their dressing room.


"Yep," he watched her crack her knuckles, "you're in the segment."

"Why?" She questioned, "I'm not even a part of your feud."

"Yes," he raised his eyebrows, "but, you need a ride to Miami don't you?"

She cocked an eyebrow, "yes?"

"Just wait and you'll see what happens," he grabbed her hand in excitement, "now c'mon, we need to get to Miami before Joe."


"He always brags about being the first one there," Seth explained.

"I'm just gonna follow you," she said, shrugging while squeezing his hand, "because I don't know what the hell to do otherwise."

I want to know if putting trigger warnings helps. I don't want to be insensitive, but I also don't want to put them on every chapter. I would love feedback.

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