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Two weeks later, Marina walked down the ramp with Stephanie and Hunter. She held her hands behind her back and followed them down to the ring. Hunter assisted the two of them into the ring and Marina backed up into the corner. She brought her arms to the front of her and was handed a microphone. Hunter's music died down. They played a video of Brie being slapped by Stephanie, then Stephanie getting arrested last week. The crowd started chanting 'jailbird'. It took everything in Marina not to join in. She enjoyed the chanting, it was her favorite thing about the business. The passionate fans gave her a reason to go out there and enjoy her job.

"I'm so disappointed in all of you," Marina broke from her trance, "I've never been more disappointed, though, then I was last Monday Night. Actually, I was more than disappointed I was disgusted. I'm also still furious."

Marina sighed as the fans chanted 'what?'

"You guys laughed at my wife," Hunter continued, pointing all around, "when she was arrested last week. You found that funny. You found it funny that the mother of my children was handcuffed out of this arena. You found it funny that my wife the woman I love was handcuffed last week. You have the guts to laugh at my wife as she was dragged out of this arena."

Marina walked over and side hugged a solemn Stephanie.

"I will never forgive you for that," Hunter looked at the crowd in disgust.

"Who said you had to?" Marina told him. He looked back at her and smiled.

"Do you know what that did to my wife?" He turned back around, "do you know how badly that hurt her? Yet, you think it's funny? All of it was just over a misunderstanding. The whole world knows Brie Bella antagonized my wife. She was just defending herself. It was perfectly acceptable and perfectly understandable that my wife struck Brie Bella. She was asking for it. It was all a simple misunderstanding. All the charges have been dropped. Except for one, the Assault and Battery charge. Brie Bella just refuses to let that go. We are here to try and reconcile with Brie Bella. Stephanie has asked Brie Bella to come here tonight so that we can put this whole thing behind us."

Hunter handed his microphone to Stephanie as the crowd booed her. Marina rolled her eyes.

"Shut the hell up and let the woman talk, alright?" Marina said earning a huge cheer from the crowd.

"Brie, if you could just please come out here," Stephanie spoke with a shaky voice, "we'll just get this over with. Please."

Marina crossed her arms and walked up to the ropes. She smirked when Chris Jericho's theme came on, mouthing along to the lyrics. Jericho had always been Marina's favorite heel. Him and Shawn Michaels were her favorites of all time alongside Triple H and Rey Mysterio. She looked at the ground then back up with a toothy grin. Y2J stood on the stage with a microphone. Marina tapped her finger on her mic as she leaned on the ropes and hung her arms over the top. His theme stopped.

"Chris we're in the-"

Marina turned around and interrupted him, "Hunter, let the man talk."

The crowd cheered her. She leaned back against the ropes and watched Y2J who winked at her before holding a mic up to his lips. One of Marina's favorite parts of her current gimmick, was how much her love for wrestling was involved. They allowed her to use other people's finishers and moves because she was booked as the ultimate wrestling fan. That is why the crowd loved her so much.

"Thank you," Chris started, tipping his hat to the youngest in the ring, "Rina you've always been my favorite. Hunter, I apologize for interrupting, but I just wanted to let you know, and let Stephanie know how bad I feel about what happened to you last week. I thought I'd come out here and give you my sympathies with a song."

Marina held her hand to her mouth to cover her smile. Jericho began singing Bad Boys and Marina laughed before singing along in her head. The crowd started to sing along while Stephanie covered her ears.

"You sound great!"

"Marina, stop feeding his ego or I'll remove you from the ring," Hunter said which made the crowd boo, "oh you think this is funny Chris?!"

"Hey, don't be like that with her, man," Chris defended the brunette, "and yes, I think this is funny. Steph don't be ashamed this is 2014, orange is the new black. It's alright to be a jailbird, Steph. And besides, this is the reason, these are the moments why the WWE network was created, so we can watch you get carted out of the arena over and over and over and over."

"Jericho," Hunter interrupted, "I'm not in the mood."

"Sorry Trips," Chris began pacing, "I truly am. You have stood by your little flowers' sides through and through. The big, bad, brood, bald protector with a big nose that sticks out to about here," he exaggerated the size of Hunter's nose, "Making sure that your wife, and Rina, are okay. I do have a question, when Stephanie was arrested, why didn't you leave the arena with her? I mean you would've left it in good hands with Marina, but still. Why didn't you go with her to the police station? I just don't understand that. You waited until 15 minutes after the show was over to leave. Why did you do that? I think I know the answer."

"Please," Marina held the mic up to her lips, "Chris, share. You seem to know so much about the relationships within the Authority. So, by all means."

"That's what I'm trying to do," Chris explained, "it's because he's starting to realize what I've known for 10 years, that Stephanie is a filthy, dirty, brutal, bottom feeding, trash bag hoe."

"Shut up!" Hunter exclaimed as Marina quickly backed into the nearest turnbuckle in surprise, "shut up! Maybe you should focus less on us, and focus on Bray Wyatt."

"Well," Chris looked at him, "that's actually the real reason why I'm out here Triple H, after what's happened over the past couple weeks, I am focused on Bray Wyatt. I do want Bray Wyatt in that ring right now, tonight, now."

Marina chuckled then exited the corner and stood next to Hunter who leaned against the ropes, "that's a real bummer then, because you can't always get what you want."

"That's really funny, Rina," Chris interrupted, putting on a snarky, knowing smile, "lately you have been getting exactly what you want," Marina laced her brows together as he continued, "or should I say who. How's our current Mr. Money in the Bank?"

Marina smiled, looking down at the mat. The camera had focused on her and she could tell because of the fans' reaction. She was blushing which wasn't scripted. Why was she blushing? It was just Seth. She looked back up at Jericho.

"I don't know, Chris. You tell me," she smirked as Seth ran out and hit Jericho upside the head with his precious briefcase.

Marina chuckled, "I do get what I want and tonight, I wanted to see Mr. Money in the Bank, Seth Rollins go against Chris Jericho," she maniacally smiled at the wounded Jericho, "have fun."

The Authority's music played. Seth looked at his briefcase then back at the ring. He specifically had his eyes on Marina, who quickly turned her attention from Jericho to Seth. The two just stared at each other as Hunter and Stephanie left the ring. Everything stopped when Raw went to commercial. Seth lowered his briefcase while he walked towards the ring and entered. Marina watched him as he did so. He stood taller than her and she looked up at him. He looked down at her and pulled her into a hug.

"I think I've waited long enough to ask you this," he whispered into her ear as Jericho slowly made his way to the ring.


His hand rested on her waist as the match was announced, "will you go out with me?"

Her eyes widened as she looked up at him, "yeah."

He smiled as the bell rang. Marina exited the ring with his briefcase. All of her worry about what Seth was upset about a few weeks ago, vanished when he asked that. The only thing she was thinking about was how special he made her feel in that moment. Nothing would prepare her for what she was about to go through.

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