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Marina arrived in Michigan alongside her sister. She knew that Seth couldn't go on this trip with her so he didn't. Of course, she would've loved to have him accompany her, but now wasn't the time for him to meet her parents. Her sister held her hand as they walked into their family's wrestling gym. They were first noticed by Justin who immediately charged towards the two women. James noticed this and dropped what he was doing to reason with his brother. The four siblings were now gathered in the lobby of the gym. James stood in front of an angry Justin, whilst Willow hid her younger sister behind her back. 

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Justin, you need to calm down," James pushed against his brother's chest, "you're causing a scene."

"She has every right to be here," Willow defended as she amplified the argument.

"You lack so much respect, Maverick," Justin spat at his younger sister, "you're so fucking selfish."

"Walk it off, son," their father's voice boomed through the lobby as they pivoted towards him, "come back when you're ready to be an adult."

Justin scoffed as he stormed out of the building with Willow following at his heels. James shifted to Marina's side as she began to tremble. He embraced her, leaving a kiss on the top of her head. Their father stepped towards the two as Justin's angry shouts could be heard from outside. 

"I'm assuming you came here to do something other than exercise," he started to walk back to his office.

Marina followed him with encouragement from James. Of course, Victoria was already in the office when Marina crossed the threshold. Her parents co-owned the gym so they shared an office space. Everything in Marina wanted to make a run for it and avoid her problems forever, but she respected her family enough to tell them what was happening in her life. With both of them sitting, Marina took a deep breath in and began.

"I am in a relationship," she remained standing, "and the person that I am in a relationship with, emotionally cheated on someone else with me."


"No," she shook her head, "I need to let everything out first," her mother nodded, leaning in to show that she was listening, "I could tell that he was very emotionally confused at the time, so I gave him the space that I felt he needed to process what consequences his actions had--"

"Maverick Renee," Victoria stomped her foot down, causing Marina to look at her adoptive mother, "I know I raised you better than to make excuses for men's actions."

Marina looked at her father for help, but all he provided was raised eyebrows and a shrug.

"I don't give a shit who you're with, Rick," her mother sighed while shaking her head, "I need you to answer a few questions for me, okay?"

"Okay," Marina felt her emotions threatening to surface.

"Does he protect you the way that you feel you need protected?"

"Sometimes more, but yes," she sniffled, "he knows my limits and boundaries."

"Do you feel safe around him?"

Her head bobbed up and down, "more than I realize sometimes."

"Is he your person?"

Marina's heart squeezed when she was asked that question. For her entire life, she didn't have a "person". She respected that her parents were each other's and that her siblings would find their own, so she never expected them to be that for her. Every partner thus far, had failed to make her feel secure in herself and the relationship. Then there was Seth. After Wrestlemania, all he had done was show her how much she meant to him. He still apologized for how much he fucked up, though Marina reassured him that she forgave him. She had never had anyone outside of her family care for her the way that he did. 

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