twenty six

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Seth sat in gorilla after wishing Marina good luck in her match against Paige at Money in the Bank. Marina was the lone wolf when it came to the Women's Revolution. She wasn't on any of the three factions that formed because of the NXT call ups. Instead, she sat on commentary and watched it all happen. The excuse that creative gave her for this was that she was too good for the division. Seth had to stop her from saying the excuse was bullshit in front of the entire creative team. Paige's theme hit and she galloped down to the ring. The bell rang and the girls locked up.

"Punch me hard enough that I'll bleed," Marina whispered as she backed Paige into the corner.


"Make me bleed, Raya," Marina pleaded with the Brit before stomping her to the ground.

Paige stood up slowly, allowing Marina to grapple her. The former champ easily got out of the grapple, punching Marina so hard that she fell to the mat. This allowed Paige to pin her for a 2 count. Shortly after, Marina's nose started to bleed. Paige went for a running clothesline, but Marina ducked under and ran the ropes, hitting Paige with a sling blade. Marina stood up smiling at the camera before climbing to the top rope. She hit Paige with a 450 Splash for the victory in a little over five minutes. The title was held above her head as she walked up the ramp backwards.  Seth was the first to greet her when she entered gorilla.

"Did you do that on purpose?" he asked quietly.

Marina nodded as she walked out with him. When she passed Vince and Hunter, she winked at them. The two champs made their way to the medical area. Marina sat down, allowing the medical staff to look at her nose. Paige entered the room as Marina finished getting cleaned up. Seth assured Paige that Marina was okay. There was no injury sustained. The three of them walked to the dressing room and Marina sat on the couch.

"Why did you ask me to do that?"

"Because," Marina held an ice pack against her head, "I knew you could."

"She hates how she's being booked right now," Seth spoke on behalf of Marina, "so she's doing everything she can to make the few matches she does have worth it."

"No one is going to be talking about a five minute match between two women tomorrow," Seth pulled Marina to her feet so that he could tie up her hair, "they are going to talk about a five minute match in which one of the women bled."

"You can't get injured every match you have," Paige folded her arms ahead of her chest, "that's stupid."

"I know," Marina nodded as Seth sat her back down so that he could take her shoes off, "but I have other ideas."

"You're already the champ," Paige watched the two of them interact, "so why are you going through all this trouble?"

"They know I'm a good wrestler, yet they have me on commentary for less than ten minutes every week," she vented out her frustrations, "I have taken hits from the guys in the locker room, so they know I can sell. I am not being utilized properly, especially with how highly they think of me."

"In that case," Paige tucked hair behind her ear as she walked up to Marina, "I hope I left a shiner."

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