Chapter Four.

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"Bye guys!" Tobi and I said as we climbed into the Uber. I waved until the boys were out of sight, then Tobi cleared his throat.
"That wasn't so bad as you thought hmm?" I looked over at him and sighed.
"I guess you were right Tobi." he smiled,
"Good, because you'll be seeing them a lot more often now. But there are a few boys that are key to us that you haven't met. Luckily for you, they live in the same apartment complex as us."
"Are you talking about the two Cal's?" Tobi nodded.
"I see you've done some research. We can meet them another time, but now I need to get some editing done." the conversation ended there as both Tobi and I got out of the Uber and walked into our apartment complex, catching the elevator up to our floor. As we walked inside our apartment I hugged Tobi, he was taken aback but hugged me.
"Thank you." I whispered as we split off towards our own rooms.


I woke up late the next morning and I groaned as I could hear Tobi banging around in the kitchen or the lounge. Finally I got up and changed into some black leggings, a black singlet and a red flannel shirt. Tobi was still making noise in the kitchen so I decided to stick in my room and paint my nails.

Someone hissed in annoyance outside Tobi's room and I froze, that wasn't Tobi's voice, but it was very similar. My eyes widened at my thought, could it be. No I thought to myself, but curiosity got the better of me and shortly I was walking out of my room and into the lounge. Someone was sitting on the couch and I leaned on the doorway as I walked them from the kitchen, my eyes narrowed at them, I recognise them I thought.
"Oh hello," the voice said and I smiled, "are you Tobi's girlfriend? I haven't been able to meet you because I've been pretty busy but it's nice to meet you." the boy got up and walked over towards me. I was taken aback by what he said and I really didn't know what to say.

"Doesn't Manny remember Viv?" I looked over towards the other door to see Tobi standing there. Manny also turned his head to him, then he looked back at me.
"Vivian? Viv Lewis?" I nodded my head and Manny's eyes widened, "oh my God I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed as he hugged me, I chuckled before hugging back.
"What is he apologising for?" Tobi asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"He called me your girlfriend." I chuckled as I broke away from Manny. He walked back to the couch he was sitting on, but he kept on looking at me over his shoulder. I walked over to the kitchen and sat at the island.
"A cup of joe please Tobz." I chuckled and Tobi turned around, looking at me weirdly. I laughed louder and got up. "A cup of joe is another team for-"
"I know what a cup of joe is." Tobi chuckled as he moved out of the way so I could grab my tea bags, "but this morning you ain't having a cup of joe." I turned the kettle on and turned to face him.
"I know I know," the kettle started to boil and I poured the water in, straining the tea bag. I walked out of the kitchen and sat down next to Manny.

"You still good at Fifa Viv?" I shrugged my shoulders as I took a sip of tea, "are you up for a game of Fifa Viv?"
"What do I get if I win?" I said as I set down my teacup.
"Well..." Manny walked into the kitchen as Tobi walked out,
"I'm going to edit videos," he said as I looked at him weirdly, I nodded and watched Manny walk back to the couch.
"I've got a bar of chocolate." I shook his hand quickly and laughed as we started the match.


"Oi! Manny! Have you seen-" Tobi stopped as he saw the bar of chocolate on the table, "what are you doing with that?" Manny quickly looked up from the screen.
"If Viv wins she can have it." Tobi grunted and sat down on the other couch to watch our game, currently I was winning, 2-1 and there was only a minute to go.
"She can't win, she can't win," Manny was chanting under his breath and I was chuckling. He was trying to get the ball to his side of the field but failed as the game ended. "No! What!" he yelled as Tobi bursted out laughing.
"You know what? I think you can have it since you bet my little brother at Fifa. The worst part is Manny," Manny looked up at Tobi, and did he look distraught, "she hasn't played Fifa in a few years." Manny groaned and put his head in his hands as I took a bite out of the chocolate bar, smirking at Manny.


~Waves~ Hiya!

I g home from my holiday down in Dunedin a few hours ago and decided I better update today. Good idea Kate! Now I better get back into a regular routine of updating hmm...

~Kate <3
Updated (24/1/17)

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