Chapter Nineteen.

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I looked over at my alarm as I finally climbed into bed, 3am, great I thought as the warm bed and duvet snuggled up to me. My eyes slowly closed as my body relaxed. They snapped open suddenly a few seconds after I closed them. The reason? My phone started to ring.

"Who the hell rings me at this time of the morning?" I hissed as I reached over the bed and snatched my phone off the other bedside table. I quickly answered before I could look at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I yawned,
"Vivian! Hey! I'm in a bit of a pickle here."
"Harry? Is that you? For the love of God I don't care if your getting drunk, what time in the morning to do you call this?" I heard Harry say something before the phone crackled.
"Hello? Is this Vivian Lewis?"
"Yes, who is this and why do you have my brother's phone?"
"Hello Vivian, I am constable Andrew Winters and your brother Harry?" he took a slight pause, "he needs to be picked up from our station."
"What has he done?" I groaned and I heard the constable chuckle,
"Your brother hasn't done anything wrong, it's just his apparent 'sober' driver had a bit more to drink than allowed and your brother needs a ride home."
"Umm.." I groaned as I got up out of bed and flicked on the light, "I'll be there in twenty." I ended the call and rushed around my room, grabbing anything I might need.


My little car pulled outside the station and I walked in.
"Vivian?" Harry looked up over at me and smiled, I shook my head at him and walked over to the desk.
"I'm here to pick up my idiotic brother," the man behind the desk laughed.
"Right this way Vivian, I'll just need to see your id and get the paperwork done. I'll be back out in a sec, he's over there," he pointed and I walked over to my brother.
"Stupid idiot," I cuffed him on the head and he laughed.
"It's Joel's fault. Do you think you could bail him out?" my eyes widened, "please? He has to meet Jess early tomorrow morning and he doesn't want her to bail him out,"
"But yet he wants me to bail him out. I'll go and ask if I can." I got up and walked over to the desk to see the constable doing the paperwork.
"Vivian? On your driver's license you're down as Vivian Marshalls." I looked over at my card and sure enough.
"I got married okay? Wrong choice and the papers are being finalised." the constable nodded and I could tell Harry was watching me. "Is there any chance I could bail out the other idiot?" the constable looked up and nodded.
"Sure, I'll grab his paperwork, is he a friend?"
"Unfortunately." he laughed again and he walked off. Around ten minutes later he came back with Joel and my drivers license, Harry hadn't said a word to me after I said I was married.

We all walked in silence to the car and Joel quickly hugged me.
"Thank you so much Viv! I'll pay you back,"
"Yeah yeah, no problem." I waved away his thanks as he got into my car. We arrived at the apartment building and Harry took off as I got into the elevator.


"Tobi! Do you wanna play GTA V or-" a knock on the door stopped me and I got up to see Harry there, he stormed in and looked at myself and Tobi.
"Tell me everything Vivian, I'm not messing around." his lips were tightly shut and I sighed, sitting down next to Tobi on the seat...

*A few hours ago*

"Tobi, something bad happened." I said as I sat down opposite Tobi on my couch.
"When the constable at the station saw my driver's license he said that I was Vivian Marshalls,"
"What's so bad about that?"
"Harry doesn't know I got married in New Zealand!" I moaned as I put my head in my hands, "he'll come over some and demand to know everything and I don't know what to tell him. Nothing, everything."
"Tell him the truth Viv, well, at least part of it. He doesn't need to know about London, yet. Just tell him about the marriage and James, if you wish." I nodded my head and sat on the couch Tobi was sitting on and I hugged him.
"Thank you Tobi,"

"Vivian Lewis I mean it." Harry growled and I looked over at Tobi.
"When I moved over to New Zealand. I fell in love with a guy named James Marshalls. We got married around two years ago and he cheated on me." I bit my lip and my words started to get faster, it hurt me to lie to him, "I divorced him, but the papers for some reason are still getting finalised. Obviously I haven't gotten a new licence okay?" Harry's face relaxed and he walked over and stood me up, hugging me.
"Thank you for telling me, is there anything else you want to tell me?" I shook my head and hugged him harder.  



~Kate <3

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