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  *Three years later*

I groaned at the sound of my alarm clock and rolled over to face it sitting on my bedside table. It's taunting noise rung throughout my ears and after I had enough, I got it to stop. Seeing it was 10:30 in the morning I had decided to get up, so I did. I looked back at my bed as I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out today's outfit which was my dark blue skinny jeans, a black long sleeved shirt and my brown leather jacket. The sleeves slid past my hands and I held it as paws, clutching the ends of the sleeves with the tips of my fingers.

About half an hour later I was situated in my lounge, dancing and singing to whatever song was playing on the tv whilst I made myself a cup of tea. Once I was finished making the cup of tea I sat back down in lounge and scrolled through social media, laying back on the black sofas as I laid my feet over the edge of the couch. My phone buzzed with a text and I checked over to see it was a text from Simon.
'Are you free? Do you want to come around and film a video with me?' I smiled widely at my phone as I replied,
'Hey Viv, could you bring Ethan around as well?'
'Okayyyyyy,' I laughed out loud, "I'll go text him, I'll see you soon x' I stood up and turned off my tv.
'You all ready to go? Simonè said I'll be taking you to the house,'
'Yep! I'm on my way down now :)' I walked over and left the door open for Ethan. Instead I grabbed a pair of adidas sneakers from my shoe rack and walked back over to the couch, slipping them on just as Ethan walked in.
"Ello BehzzyBoo!" I yelled as I looked up at him.
"Hello Viv," he laughed and hovered over by my doorway.
"Do you want anything before we go?" Ethan shook his head and I stood up and grabbed my phone, keys and wallet before I followed Ethan out my front door.

"So," I mumbled as I reversed out of our apartment complex carpark and started the drive to the Sidemen House, "who are you filming a video with?"
"Ah, Vikk. We're going to film one of those driving ones, I can't remember what it's called though," he laughed and I smiled, "how's you and Simon? I haven't seen you in a long time so now's the time to catch up." I laughed but Ethan was right, I haven't been over in a long time.
"We're going great," I smiled broadly and then I elbowed Ethan as we went around a corner. "How's you and Emily?" a blush spread across his cheeks and I knew I had hit something, "aweh your blushing! That's cute." he playfully hit me on the shoulder and we both laughed.
"We're good thank you! I met Emily's parents a few months ago and boy was I nervous." I laughed, "you know what?" I looked over at him and tipped my head to the side before my attention went back to the road, "this is nice, I missed talking to you like this,"
"Aweh stop with the mushy stuff," we both laughed, "remind me to give you a hug when we get out of the car okay?"

The car came to a halt as we parked outside the house. Quickly I got out and ran over to Ethan's hugging him tightly before he even got out.
"You weren't kidding were you?" I shook my head and we both laughed as I helped him out of my car. I walked up to the door and knocked on it, Ethan standing right behind me. The door opened widely and I was swept up into someone's arms so I instantly hugged back. "Aweh that's cute," Ethan grinned and I broke away from the hug to look up into someone's bright blue eyes,
"Simon," I breathed out and he smirked down at me before quickly kissing me on the lips.
"Move lovebirds I have a video I need to film!" Ethan yelled before he walked past us and inside the house, I was too busy looking up at Simon.
"Come on, you'll like the video." he grabbed hold of my hand and let me into the house and more specifically, into the kitchen.

"Hello Vivian!" Josh yelled and ran over to me, hugging me tightly, I hugged back and giggled.
"Hello Joshua." I broke away from the hug to see Simon sit down on a bar stool behind the counter, then I looked over to my right to see a tripod but no camera. "Will today's video be a messy one?" Simon nodded and Josh laughed before walking away, presumably to get a camera.
"You can explain it to her Simon!" Josh yelled as I heard him walking up the stairs. My gaze turned to Simon as I waited for an explanation. He shrugged his shoulders and laughed,
"Whipcream Quickfire with Viv!" I rolled my eyes, but also removed my leather jacket and slung it over the back of another bar stool before rolling up my sleeves.
"It's been a little while, last time I did this I was with Manny," I laughed and smiled at the memory.
"Oh yeah! You and Manny were slapping CalFrozen weren't you?" I nodded as I thought back to then.


"I'm here!" I yelled as I walked into Tobi's flat, Manny popped his head around the hallway and laughed,
"It's just Viv! Alright let's get set up!" the two Callums followed Manny out the hallway with their gear and began to set up out in the lounge, I helped Manny drape a cheap cloth over the couch. "Alright Viv, this is how the video will go. CalFrozen will be the victim,"
"-I heard that!" CalFreezy yelled from the kitchen, walking out a few seconds later with two cans of whip cream and shoved them in our direction. Manny and I both grabbed one and I smiled evilly at CalFreezy. He just stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed.
"As I was saying, he'll," Manny pointed to CalFreezy, "be the victim, Callux will be reading out the questions and you and I get the fun part; whip cream slapping."
"I guess there's an art to it?" I replied sarcastically to Manny and he just looked at me,
"There is actually," I groaned and rolled my eyes before laughing at him, "just put a crap-ton of whip cream on your hand and hit him as hard as you can with it."
"Please don't! I don't want whip cream all over my apartment!" a voice; who I guessed was Tobi, yelled out from somewhere down the hallway. We all started to laugh and Cal sat down on the couch, shuffling around on the cloth. I poked my tongue out at Cal as Callux started recording.

"Oh hey guys and welcome to today's video, we are back with another quickfire, rapid, super fast Q&A, and the way this works, I've done it before on my channel. Callux, the man behind the camera is going to be spitting questions at me really quick but this time we actually have a bit of a twist. My friends, well for now my friends Manny and Viv are going to be slapping me across the face with whip cream if I hesitate or if they think I'm just straight up lying to the questions."
"Boring!" I mouthed at Manny and faked a yawn. Manny bit his lip in efforts to stop laughing out loud and I smiled at Callux who understood what I did.
"So, I guess we should get this going then." Cal looked up at all three of us and I smirked up at him, "oi you should see the look that Viv's giving me guys, I think she'll be the first to slap me."
"I've got to keep somethings to myself Cal!" I snickered and so did he.

We were a few questions in and actually Manny had the first slap.
"Can you twerk?" Callux read out the question with the straightest face I've ever seen and I got my handful of whip cream ready.
"Yes." Cal answered and Manny flicked a look at me.
"No!" Manny said and slapped him, unluckily for Cal, I too had decided to slap Cal.
"White people can't twerk!" I laughed out and Cal came to the realisation that both of us slapped him.
"I thought I was very good at twerking thank you! You can speak for yourself!" Callux said in a posh voice and I burst out giggling.
"Oi Manny," Cal chuckled as he wiped a bit of cream off his face, "I think Viv slapped harder than you did!" I fist bumped the air behind Cal, on camera and ran away laughing as Manny chased after me.


"You ready Viv?" I opened my eyes to see both Simon and Josh looking over at me.
"Sure!" I opened the fridge door and grabbed one of the many whip cream cans, 'remind me to go food shopping for the boys, there's shit all in there,' and shook it, smirking at Simon. "You picked the wrong person to do this job Simonè." we all laughed.
"I think she's right mate, even Jj would be a better pick." Josh chuckled.
"Whatever, let's get this started!" Simon grabbed me from around the waist and pulled me onto his lap, just as Josh started to record.
"Yo guys what's going on and welcome to a different kind of video for today. As you can see," Simon wrapped both arms around my waist, stopping my efforts in escaping, "I've got my girlfriend Vivian." I sighed and smiled at the camera, before I carried on trying to get out of his grasp. "And my roommate Josh is behind the camera!" I watched Josh as he leaned around the camera and waved to it. "This video, can you cut that out?" Simon laughed as I stopped struggling and looked over my shoulder at him.
"Maybe," I smirked and he returned the smirk.
"Goals!" Josh whispered to the camera but I heard that and looked over at him, giving him a look.
"Carry on,"
"Okay, well, as I was saying, in this video we will be doing a type of quick fire test with a twist!" I held up the can of whip cream and shook it near Simon's face, who backed away from the can.
"Whip cream is the twist!" I snickered.
"Josh will be asking questions about myself and Viv's relationship or just Viv, general questions that I should know about her. Thank you for supplying those by the way," I giggled and Josh winked at me, "and if Viv thinks I'm taking too long to answer the question or if I don't know it she will be slapping me." Simon clapped his hands together, which was very awkward for me, "let's get this started, shall we?" Josh and I both nodded and Simon let go of me, I slipped off his lap and stood behind him, taking the lid off the can and shaking it more.

As Simon looked up and over at Josh to ask the first question I put the can beside his ear and pushed down on the button, letting a little bit of cream come out, scaring Simon in the process.
"Not yet please Viv, I've heard you slap harder than Manny,"
"You've heard correct," I grinned mischievously at him, he was getting no mercy out of me today.

"First question! We're starting off easy," Josh peered over the piece of paper and over at Simon, "when is Viv's birthday?"
"19th of May," Simon turned around and winked at me.
"Just you wait," that wiped the smirk off his face and he turned back around, looking at Josh patiently.
"Okay, next question, what is Viv's favourite animal?"
"Oh shit! Red panda!" Simon yelled quickly and I laughed.
"I'll let you off this time, I got you good there didn't I?" Simon nodded,
"It's either red pandas or turtles and I forgot both of their names," he wiped his forehead as if he had worked up a sweat.
"Are you ready Simon?" Josh asked and Simon nodded eagerly in reply, "what was Viv's old flatmates name?"
"Umm, it's starts with L! I know because you told-" I cut him off mid-sentence as I whip cream slapped him, hard too. Unfortunately it went everywhere, from where I was slapping him, even Josh got some on him. Josh gave me a 'really?' look as he flicked off the cream and I burst out giggling.
"Her name is Laura,"
"Oh that's right!" Simon hit his forehead in efforts to face palm himself, but he forgot that some of his forehead was covered in whip cream and splattered more cream around, making Josh and myself howl with laughter.
"Simon, what did you get Viv for your one year anniversary?" I glared at Josh, this wasn't on the list, he was just asking for the fans I hissed under my breath but waited for Simon to answer.
"A turtle necklace, that question was easy least find a harder one Josh!" Simon whined and Josh looked up and over at me, I winked and he smiled.
"Okay then, who is Viv's celebrity crush?" I looked down at Simon to see that he turned around to face me.
"You have a celebrity crush?" I started to fill up my hand with whip cream, "oh shit... Ah, Brad Pitt?"
"No!" I slapped him hard across the cheek and even got myself covered in cream, both Simon and myself burst out laughing. "Actually it's Tom Ellis."
"Look at yourself Viv," Josh whined, "turn Simon around before you smack him!" I grabbed hold of Simon's shoulders and turned him around, and he let out his signature laugh and my heart melted so I rested my chin on his head. "Si, when is London's birthday?" my head picked up at the question and I replayed it in my head, Josh said 'is' not 'was' and that made me smile.
"15th of October." Simon's hand found my hand and held onto it tightly, luckily for him it wasn't the hand I was slapping him with.

"Okie dokie! Last question," Josh's eyes scanned the piece of paper and he quickly looked up at me and I nodded my head slightly, he knew what I meant and this was how I wanted to tell Simon, "you ready Si?" Simon nodded his head.

"What would you do if Viv told you she was pregnant?" Simon froze and I filled my hand up with whip cream, slapping him right across the face with it, he didn't seem fazed. Slowly he turned around in his seat to face me, his mouth ajar.
"Are, are you serious?" I nodded my head and a smile quickly speared across my face, there was a smile lingering on Simon's face too, barely. Without another word Simon grabbed hold of me and pulled me onto his lap, leaning his head on my chest and I hugged him back, my legs wrapped around the back of the chair.
"Well! You heard it here first!" Josh walked around the camera and in front of it, "make sure to like, subscribe if you're new around here and all that good stuff! Goodbye!" Josh did his signature outro and turned off the camera. "Congrats lovebirds!" he sung as he began to pack up all the equipment. I looked down at Simon and smiled, but to me he had been awfully quiet since Josh and I told him the news.

"Excuse me," Simon quietly whispered up at me, his face seemed a lot more pale than usual, so I got up and sat down on a different bar stool, watching him walk away. I knew where I had seen that look, but I couldn't remember.
"Well, he seems happy," Josh snickered and I swivelled around to face Josh in my chair,
"Yeah," I sighed and put my head in my hands.
"Hey hey, it won't be that bad, he'll come back in a few minutes with a smile on his face don't you worry." I looked up at Josh to see that he was giving me a genuine smile so I returned it. But my smile dropped when I remembered where I had seen that same look from Simon.

When he found the photo of London, James and myself. Simon wasn't happy, he was angry.

"Shit!" I hissed under my breath and got up quickly, but Josh grabbed hold of my arm and stopped me.
"Give him a minute to process it himself Viv, he'll be back,"
"No Josh you don't understand-" we both stopped when we heard yelling, and it was near us but neither Josh or myself could make out who it was. "It's Simon," I breathed out. Hesitantly I walked out of the kitchen and towards the noise, Josh close behind me.

"Are you serious?! How could you!" someone yelled and I heard something slam. Seconds later two pairs of feet came running down the stairs and nearly into Josh and myself.
"Vikk? Ethan?" Josh asked and I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Oh thank God it's not you two," Vikk breathed out, "that must mean,"
"It's Simon and JJ," I finished.
"What are they arguing about?" Ethan asked and Josh and I shrugged our shoulders.
"Well, Viv did just tell him that she was pregnant..."
"Congrats!" Ethan and Vikk said in unison and I smiled.
"Thanks, but why would they be yelling at each other?"
"That's the million dollar question girlie," Ethan smiled sadly at me, we were shushed when we heard JJ yelling back.
"How the fuck would I know what would happen?!" I continued to walk towards the noise, much to the three boys displeasure. After a few hissed messages they followed me up. We all stopped outside Jj's room to see that the door was slightly open.
"Why did you do that in the first place? Did you think it was some type of funny joke huh?!" Simon yelled and I poked my head in the door to see that Simon's face was inches away from Jide's, and both boys were tense.
"They're gonna rip each other's throat out!" I whimpered and Josh laid a hand on my shoulder.
"Fuck you man!" I heard a fist connect with something and I couldn't sit and watch any longer. Quickly I sprung up and ran inside, trying to pull Jj off Simon, the other three boys ran in and helped me, Ethan and Josh pulled Jj off Simon and Vikk helped me with Simon, who too needed to be held back.

"I can't believe you did that Jide, I've known you for so long..." Simon breathed out.
"Look man, I didn't know how it would turn out!"
"What the fuck are you two talking about!" I yelled, tears falling down my face freely. Simon threw a helpless look in my direction but I ignored him and his pleas and instead I turned to Jide.

"A few weeks ago, Simon asked me for a few," Jj cleared his throat to get his point across, "and I gave him a few, but in a Russian roulette type of game, I poked holes in one." Jj's head hung in shame as Ethan, Josh and Vikk let go of both boys. Simon walked out of the room and I walked over to Jj. "I never knew this would happen,"
"But you made this, a possibility." I sighed and looked at the boys, "I think I'll go and talk to Simon now, alone."
"Are you sure?" Josh grabbed hold of my arm and I nodded.
"Yeah I'll be fine, women know how to make sense in these kind of situations." The boys started to smile, "and Jide, you might want to put some ice on that," I rested a hand on the point where Simon hit him and he winced but nodded.
"I am so sorry Vivian," he whimpered before I walked out.
"Dr. Barn! Get over here!" I heard Ethan yell before he burst out laughing and I smiled.

I stopped outside Simon's shut door and sighed quietly, gathering my courage before I knocked. Quietly I knocked and opened the door to see Simon sitting at his desk. I walked closer to see that he was deleting all the files off the camera, from the video we just filmed.
"What are you doing Simon?" I sat down on his bed, but he didn't acknowledge me, he just kept on going through and he deleted the last file before he turned around.

"I don't think we should tell them." I looked at his face for any emotion, but he just looked drained. I gulped and put my hands together, like this, Simon actually scared me.
"Well, when do you want to tell them? In a month or two?"

"Never." my heart dropped and my eyes started to water.
"What are you trying to say?"
"Look, Vivian, I think it's too early..." he trailed off as he looked at me. He stayed strong, but emotionally drained whilst I sat on the edge of his bed, inches away from breaking into a sobbing mess. I ran a hand through my hair and bit my lip.
"So Simon, this, baby, just can't magically disappear! I don't think it's too early."
"It's too early and that's the end of that." he turned back around and faced his computer. I watched him as he typed out a tweet saying that he won't be able to get out the video for the main channel as the file 'corrupted' and that he was sorry.

"Are you serious Simon? You just can run away from this," I grumbled as I wiped my tears away. This isn't the Simon I knew, something's happened. My Simon cared about me and would help through this. "Are you just going to ignore me?" I stood up and grabbed the back of the chair, spinning it around so that Simon would face me. Those ocean eyes had gone dark, they reminded me of a tsunami. I guess that's how he felt inside. I watched his eyes flicker over me, my tear stained cheeks, messy hair, bit lips, and slowly his gaze softened.
"I'm sorry Viv, but it's what I think. If this is about London."
"This has nothing to do with her!" I hissed, but he didn't back down.
"Look, I have no idea what it feels like to lose a child, but maybe when we're older and more prepared..." he trailed over as more tears brimmed over.

"I'm not going to lose this child as well! I never wanted to lose London in the first place and you don't know how it feels! You don't know at all damnit!" I cried out. Slowly Simon wrapped his arms around me as we both softened at each other's touch. "No! Don't!" I cried out again in efforts that he would me go.
"Just think Viv, we could be more prepared..."
"Stop arguing!" his gaze hardened and neither of us were going to back down. He let go over me and I slipped to the floor.
"I want to keep this baby Simon..." I whimpered.
"Well maybe I won't keep you..." he muttered and turned around. My heart shattered and my sobs got louder, I covered my mouth with my hands in efforts to be quiet.

"Well then, I see." I stood up but saw that Simon too had tears rolling down his face. "Goodbye Simon."
"Remember that you're the one that's walking away!" he yelled after me.
"Remember that you're the one that drove me to!" I screamed back, my voice hoarse.
"Vivian?!" someone yelled and I looked over my shoulder to see Josh standing there. My tears flowed more freely as I ran away from Simon, from everyone. Josh's calls got quieter and quieter as I put distance between everyone.

"I'll love you more than he would've little one," I whispered quietly as I held my stomach.  



Happy pressie to all the people who waited like, half a year for this ending. I hope it was worth the wait ;) That's it for this story! I hope you all enjoyed! :*

~Kate <3

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