Chapter Thirty Three.

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*Simon's P.o.V*

"Hey Vivian!" I said as I opened the door to her apartment with the key she gave me. "Vivian?" I questioned as I walked in, all the lights were off and it was oddly quiet in here. "Vivian!" I walked into her question but stopped when I saw all the bits of paper lying on the kitchen countertop, one of the pieces of paper had my name on it so I picked it up, but something fell to the floor, echoing throughout the apartment. "Huh, a key," I said out loud as I read my note. I clutched the key tight as I followed what my note said and walked into her art room.

I had never been in here before, I had never noticed this room. The door opened and the thing that caught my eye first was an easel standing in the middle of the room, draped over with a cloth. Obviously this was what she was talking about so I grabbed the edges of the cloth and pulled on it, seeing the painting beneath. My hands cover my mouth as I look over the painting,
"Oh my God Viv, this is amazing." I breathed out, it looked so life-like. I picked up the painting and walked back out into the kitchen. I grabbed a plastic bag and put all the notes for everyone in it and walked out of her apartment with a plastic bag in one hand and a painting under the other.

I placed everything in the boot and got in the car, ringing up one of the boys that meant the most to her, Harry.
"Hey Harold," I answered as I pulled out of her apartment complex. "Meet me at the house at 12, don't ask any questions, just meet me there." before he got to say anything I hung up on him. I said that to around 5 other boys. I hung up on the last boy, which was Ethan just as I pulled into the driveway. Without thinking I hopped out of the car and grabbed the bag, running inside the house to wake up Josh, Vikk and JJ.

*Vivian's P.o.V*

I sat still in the cafe, cradling my cup of coffee as I waited for my flight. The cafe wasn't too overly crowded but I watched everyone that came through here.
"Oh my God! Are you Vivian?!" I looked up to see a girl around 16, wearing a SDMN hoodie so I smiled up at her and stood up.
"I sure am, do you want a photo?" she just nodded her head and who I'm guessing was her mother took a photo.
"If I can ask," I looked over at the girl again, "why are you at the airport and where is Simon?"
"I'm just going back to New Zealand for a little while by myself," the girl nodded and said her goodbyes as her and her mother walked away. I sat back down at my table and scrolled through some social media sites as I waited for time to pass.

"Flight NZ407 to New Zealand now boarding." I finished my coffee and walked out of the cafe. The lady scanned my ticket and let me aboard the plane.

*Simon's P.o.V*

I looked at the Sidemen's face, everyone was reading their own note from Vivian and I looked back down at my note;
'To Simon,
Obviously I'm not here. And I can't quite tell you where I am, or where I am going, but you'll know soon enough. I've been in England for around 6 months now, and it's been the best 6 months of my life. I can't believe I've only known you for 6 months, but I've known Tobi for around 6 years. I got to know you in such a short time, fell for you in a short time and I told you all in a short time. You ran and I wasn't surprised, but you came back and that's what surprised me, you'll always surprise me Simon, don't let me down now.
Vivian xx'

I looked up to see that all the boys had finished reading their notes from Vivian and Tobi rubbed my back, he himself was teary eyed. I guess I looked just as bad as he did.
"She'll be okay, she obviously knows what she's doing," Vikk piped up and we all nodded in agreement.
"It was like she packed up to go away, so I'm guessing she got on a plane," I pitched in.
"She would go somewhere that she knows," Tobi butted in.
"And where she feels safe," JJ added.
"Somewhere that she has a special connection to." Josh mumbled.
"I know where she is!" Harry said and we all looked at him, "she went back to Guernsey!" JJ bursted out laughing and the rest of us face palmed, "what?" he asked as JJ continued to laugh.
"Harry, put two and two together." Josh laughed, "we all think she's gone back to New Zealand for some reason."
"Oh, that makes more sense," Harry nodded his head in agreement, "but why did she go?"  



~Kate <3

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