Chapter Thirty Two.

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"We're here!" I yelled as I led the way into the Sidemen house, I heard laughing coming from in front of us and from the boys behind me. "Hello Simon," I smiled as he set down the camera he was holding and walked over to me, kissing me on the lips. I kissed back but we only broke apart when I heard JJ wolf whistling. A few minutes later we were all situated on the couch, Simon on my left, Harry on my right. Vikk was sitting in the middle of us since it was his video. I looked down at the marshmallow packets and swallowed, squeezing Simon's hand.

"Hey guys it's me Vikkstar123 and today I am joined by a whole load of people!" we all waved and Vikk clapped his hands together, "okay, so my video will be... The Chubby Bunny challenge!" Harry picked up a bag of marshmallows and chucked them at Vikk's face, he hit his target and Vikk threw it right back, laughing. "Alright! Let's get started! Harry, you go first." everybody opened up a packet of marshmallows and Harry pinched one from our bag.
"Chubby bunny," he said effortlessly and shoulder barged me, I rolled my eyes and pushed a marshmallow in my cheek.
"Chubby bunny bitch," I directed that one at Harry and everybody laughed. This is going to be a long video I sighed to myself as Simon too said, 'chubby bunny' effortlessly.

I looked down at my sixth marshmallow and I thought, this is it. I had a struggle getting my fifth one in, and I knew Vikk was on struggle street too, but it looks like I was going to get out first. I tried to put the marshmallow in, but I shook my head and hung it in shame while everyone laughed and I tried to smile with multiple marshmallows in my mouth.

"You have a small mouth for someone who is dating Simon," someone mumbled and I turned around to see Josh sitting there looking at me. Instantly I spat my marshmallows out into a bowl and got up. Josh got the hint and got up, quickly running around the couch with me on his tail. He fell over in front of the camera and I sat on him, but looking up I saw most of the boys were in tears from laughing, Tobi, Ethan and JJ had spat out their marshmallows to laugh properly. I put an empty bowl by Josh's mouth and he spat out his marshmallows. "I'm sorry Viv!" he laughed out, "I malfunctioned just get your ass off me." I laughed and stood up, sitting back down next to Simon who has spat out his marshmallows and was wiping his tears away.

"You might have to film this video again Vikk," Harry laughed, "but definitely keep that in for a blooper." Vikk laughed as well. We all cleaned up and sat back down on the couch.
"Hey guys it's me Vikkstar123 and today I am joined by a whole load of people!" we all waved at the camera.

"Booyeah!" Tobi yelled with a mouthful of marshmallows, he won. Josh spat out his marshmallows and laughed.
"You just won this time, I'll bet you next time." Tobi also spat out his marshmallows,
"I'll be waiting."
"Team 12 years!" I yelled as I looked at both of the boys, everybody laughed and Vikk said his outro, asking us to wave to the camera goodbye, although some of the boys did their own outros.


I looked down at my zipped up suitcase and back to the date Laura texted me, the fifteenth. I wheeled my suitcase out into the lounge and left it out by the front door. The kitchen light was the only one left on so as I walked it, I removed a key from my pocket and laid it on top of the note I left for Simon, it was the key to my art room. My eyes wandered over every note I had left out, each for everyone I had met over the time I knew the boys. Simon was meant to be coming around today, so he would find the notes.

I remember giving him a key a few weeks back when we went out for lunch, I felt like I could trust him.

My phone buzzed in my pocket with a text from someone so I sat up at the kitchen island and pulled out my phone. It was a new text from Laura, sending me the ticket details through an app on my phone. I quickly texted my thanks to her and logged onto the app, to see the tickets already loaded up.

The flight leaves in four hours.

I called for an Uber and walked around the kitchen, putting the notes in view and taping a note down onto the key, saying it's for the art room. My phone buzzed with a message from my Uber saying it's here so I walked out of my apartment and locked the door behind me. I walked out of the apartment complex and hopped in the Uber, tasting the salt on my lips.  



~Kate <3

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