Chapter Twenty Three.

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My phone lit up with a text from Simon. I reached over and grabbed it from my coffee table as my focus was distracted from the tv.

'Had an amazing day the other day with you at the pools, can't wait to see you again :)' I sent him a text back and left the lounge to grab the camera I had with me when we went to the pools.

I turned it on and laughed out loud at the first photo I captured. It was when Vikk shoved Simon into the pool and Simon's face was priceless, I better send that one to Simon I thought as I kept on flicking through all the photos. There were a few that JJ and I sneakily took when Vikk and Kay were cuddling and honestly it was the cutest thing ever.

Then next few photos were when Callux snatched my camera and took a heap load of selfies with most of the boys, I rubbed my chin thoughtfully as I saw that most of the boys were shirtless and it would be great food for the fangirls. I shook the thought away and continued to look through the photos, I stopped when I reached a certain photo and I remembered it clearly. It was the photo JJ and I sneakily took while Josh and Freya were kissing in the hot pools.

"Hmm... Their anniversary is coming up, it would make a nice painting, simple to do as well, not a lot of paint needed..." I mumbled to myself as I got up and removed the sd card from the camera and plugged it into my computer, making my mind clear as to what I was about to do.

I sat down on my art stool about half an hour later with a blown up version on an easel next to me. I had managed to run downstairs to the local camera shop and they had managed to blow the image up quick. I guess I looked like I needed it quickly, with my hair up in a messy bun and wearing an old pair of shirt and shorts splattered in paint. Cal met me while I was on my way back up to my apartment, he gave me a strange look and I just walked past him, he shook he head and went on his way and I walked into the elevator. I had just premixed all the paint I needed and I had plugged my phone into my speaker, playing some mashups. My hands were cold so I rubbed them together as I planned everything out in my head and I picked up my art pencil and began to draw the outlines of the image.

As soon as I finished the outlines of the image there was a knock on my door. I got up and groaned, before opening the door to see Sarah and Callux there with a bag of Nando's. Instantly I let them in and grabbed plates and cutlery and led them into my art room.

"You guys are the first ever people to be in this room so treasure it." I joked around as I sat down on my art stool as picked up a paint brush.

"Hold on Viv, can I time lapse it?" I looked at him funny then I understood what he wanted, he wanted to timelapse me whilst I was painting this picture.

"Sure why not?" he grabbed a tripod from the corner of my art room and set up his camera on it. He pushed play before I set to work. The frame wasn't too big so it didn't take too long to finish so I was done before I knew it. Callux and Sarah stood behind me admire it.

"This is... Wow Vivian..." Sarah breathed and I smiled said I picked up my plate of Nando's and I dug in.

"It needs a few more touch ups here and there but other than that I love it." I shuffled my stool back a bit to look at it with my own opinion.

"You know how their anniversary is coming up right?" I nodded, "well, you can give it to them before they leave the Sidemen House to go out for dinner. Sarah and I can ring around and get everybody there for lunch and you can give it to them, then!"

"Sounds like a plan Callux." I smiled and finished up my Nando's, "right! Next coat!"

I finally put the paintbrush down into a bottle of dirty water and I smiled, standing up to look at the painting from afar.

"I never knew that you could paint so well Viv, it's like your hidden talent right?" I laughed as Callux looked at my painting from beside me.

"It looks amazing," Sarah smiled as she rubbed my back, "I really want to be there when you hand it over, Freya is going to love this-"

"-And then Josh is going to run around the Sidemen House after you." Callux laughed, "but to be honest, Josh is probably going to love this more than Freya and that's what this picture tells us." I smiled over at Callux as he studied my painting, that's exactly what I wanted the painting to say.



~Kate <3

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