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I laid there still in bed ignoring the 20th call that I've received today by Trina. I stared at nothing in particular my whole body was not moving a muscle.

Ray had left not too long ago to meet up with one of his homeboys he usually sales with and I know when he's with him he won't be back until late.

I hugged on my knees as I was in a fetal position and kept my eyes closed. Maybe sleep would make me feel better because right now I feel nothing. I feel numb. Like everything in me just wants to give up.

It's rare when Ray forces himself up on me and every time this happens I end up staying in bed all day either crying or just numb.

I looked down at my phone seeing Trina's name pop up once again making me groan and I picked it up and answered.


"Girl what? Yes? Why the hell didn't you pick up the phone?" She half yelled at me.

"Don't feel like talking to anyone." I said dryly.


"Do you need something?"

"Did he do something to you when we left?"

I didn't say anything for a second just looking up at the wall.

"Do you need something?"

"Leanna did he do something to you?"

"No Trina. What do you want?" I said my voice croaky and I could feel my face heat up.

"So you just going to lie to me like that?"

"If you don't want anything then imma go," I sighed annoyed already.

"Don't you lie to me Leelee. This is serious," Trina exclaimed.

"Yeah just like all the other times he beat my ass. I'm done talking alright, bye Trina." I said before hanging up.

I threw my phone to the side rolling over in the bed and stared at the wall bitterly.

The rest of the day went just like that, Trina stopped trying to call me finally.

I looked at the clock on the dresser seeing that Ray would be home in another hour and two and then I could act like everything is okay.

I heard a couple of knocks come from downstairs and I scrunched my eyebrows up in confusion not knowing who could be here.

I rolled out of bed effortlessly and threw on my robe covering my bruises and walked down the stairs slowly as more knocks came. 

I didn't even bother to answer to them I just opened the door gasping a bit seeing who was standing in front of me and returned to my composer.

"What are you doing here?" I crossed my arms my eyes trailing down to the ground.

"Trina told me ta check on ya." Ant said.

"I don't need a babysitter. You can go." I said trying to close the door in his face but he stopped it with his foot.

I curled my lips up and opened the door back open and looked him in the eyes.

"Unless you have a warrant, you have no need to be here." I inquired.

"What's that?" Ant asked his eyes fixed on my shoulder.

I looked and frowned looking back at him. "I burnt myself."

"You know you always sucked at lyin'. " He scoffed walking up a step into the house.

I looked up at him now since he was right in front of me and my breathing hitched up a bit.

"Okay. You see me, now you can go." I exclaimed.

"What yo nigga home?" Ant rose his eyebrows up at me.

"No. But I'd rather you be gone before he gets here." I pointed out.

"You really have changed." He shook his head before turning to walk back out.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He stopped walking and looked me over his shoulder. "Where's that Leanna I knew who would never let a nigga lay a hand on her?"

I looked at him not answering for a minute, twisting my lips to the side.

"She's gone."

"Well she needs ta walk ha ass back." He shot back.

"I don't need this. I don't want to hear this. You can go back to your car now, and leave me alone." I said shaking my head as I felt tears coming and I slammed the door in his face.

I laid my back against the door sliding down to my knees and cried in my hands.


I walked away from Leanna's front steps to my car when I saw a black Camaro pull into the driveway and I looked and saw ole boy step out mean mugging me with a cup in his hand along with one of his homeboys with him.

I scoffed and shook my head walking to my car fighting the urge to go over and knock that nigga in his face again.

"Is there a problem here partna?" He called after me following by a laugh by his homeboy.

I looked back at him and rose my eyebrow. "Na, bruh"

"Aha, yeah I think there is. See this my second time seeing you here when you not welcomed like you trying to sneak some shit under my eyes." He explained walking up to me rubbing his hands as he talked.

I kept my face the same way I always keep it cool and relaxed. If he think he scaring me or sumnthin, he need to do better.

"What's det posed ta mean hm?" I whipped the chin of my nose.

"Now he wants to act dumb." Ray laughed back to his friend and they both laughed. "Lemme just say it in words you'll understand c-cause I know you don't understand normal accents."

"This here house. My property. Those steps. My property. And that woman in that house. My property. None of this welcomes you." Ray said into my face.

I laughed at him and kept my composer as we stood face to face.

"Not what she says." I smirked before walking away.

"What was that?" He walked up on me his breath hitting my face with a mug on his face.

"How 'bout you go in thea and ask her who the real man is. A real man wouldn't lay his hand on a woman." I shot back before moving past him and getting in my car and driving away.

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