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Getting out of the car I sighed as I pulled my hair up into a ponytail as I walked up Trina's place.

"Call me if you need me." Ant spoke from the other end of my phone and I sighed.

"I'll see you when I get back." I said before I hung up his line and decided to just knock and give Trina the news.

I felt like it was me who had to let her know then anyone else. Her brother died a few feet from me, she should know.

Seeing her open the door, her face paler then usual and all she had on was her robe it made me worry.

"..Hey." She croaked out as she stepped aside letting me in.

"Did I wake you? I could come at another time.." I drifted off and she stopped me with her hand.

"No. I-I already know what went down Lea." She sighed as she once again nudged her head telling me to come in.

I obliged confused as I started to think maybe Ant told her. Why would he do that?

"H-How did yo-"

"I talked to my brother. He was in a trance of finding you and he told me he wouldn't stop unless he got a bullet through his head. And seeing you're not afraid anymore and Ant is obviously letting you go without his presence I can already guess." She explained as she sniffed obviously showing she was upset.

"And plus the look on your face." She added.

"I'm so sorry." I said as low as a whisper as I pulled her into a hug.

She patted my back and gave a dry chuckle as she pulled away. "It's okay. I knew it would've ended this way anyways. As long as you're okay."

I bit my lips as I wrapped my arms around my body. "I'm not really okay. When I get back home, I'm going to have to get some help."

She nodded understanding. "Yeah, that's good. You need it Le...you need to be happy. My brother wasn't going to do anything but tear you down and ruin you."

I chuckled to myself as I knew she was telling the truth. He was a crazy man but deep down I still loved him and wished he could get some help.

"But really what you doing here? You should be working on you're new life. I do believe you have a man waiting on you." She exclaimed as she looked me up and down giving a warm smile.

"I had to check on you. And see if you were okay." I told her as I stared my old friend in the eyes. I could see she was hurt by the loss of her brother and now she was really alone. She lost her mom a long time ago, never met her father and now her brothers dead too and I hate to think of it this way but it's because of me.

"I'll be alright, Lea. I gotta pray to god every night and I know he's okay. He had too much going on." She sniffed as tears streamed down her face as she quickly whipped it away.

"I hate to see you cry." I admitted as I rubbed her back.

"Imma cry. I'm hurt, but I'll be okay trust me." She said and by her words I believed her.

"Move to New Orleans with us." I suggested and she looked at me obviously skeptical about the idea.

"I already told you Lea, this is my home." She reminded me.

"Yes with bad memories of our past. What's a home with no family people who care about you not around?" I asked in a convincing tone and she looked at me as she didn't know what to say.

"I can't just up and pack and leave. I have bills to pay, a job Leanna." She rambled.

"If I can you can too. You'll find a new job and have a new start." I encourage more and she sighed.

Drugs. Book 1 | COMPLETE|Where stories live. Discover now