Request Page

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Hey guys. First of all i hope you are enjoying the story.

Secondly, i am taking requests, so if you have any ideas for an imagine just fill out the information below.


Species (shadowhunter, warlock, vampire, werewolf, etc.):

Character you want in the imagine with you:

Relationship with Character:

Appearance (optional):

Plot (what you want to happen in the story. Doesnt have to be long):

-Lucy Lightwood (Alec and Izzy's youngest sister)
-Simon Lewis (vampire)
-Blonde curly hair, blue eyes, 5'7", medium frame
-Simon writes a song about me and sings it to me on my birthday

Just private message me or comment on any chapter. Thanks guys.

ShadowHunters Preferences and ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora