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I got dressed in my pair of converse, tight jeans, and a black t-shirt. Pony went over to his house to check if Darry was home, and to get ready.

I did some light makeup while Johnny kept me company.

"Do I look okay Johnny?" I ask, turning to look at him.

"I'd say so Miss Macy." He smiles.

I nod, rolling the ankles of my jeans up to show some of my legs. I had gotten low rise shoes, the high tops hurt my feet.

Pony bounced into my room happily. "Who wants to go to the movie house?"

I clearly had nothing better to do, and neither did Johnny. So we all walked to the movie house, I made sure I had my prized switch on me just incase one of them "Socs" wanna go at it. Which the two boys finally told me what the Socs are. "The West side Socs." Pony called them.

We were the greasers, referring to the greasy hair all of the guys sported. I though Pony's hair looked mighty fine slicked the way it was.
The three of us paid to watch a new Paul Newman movie. I could tell Ponyboy admired the actor, but I didn't think Paul Newman was as good lookin' as Pony was.

I got really close to the two youngest greasers, we walked around our side of town. I wanted to get familiar with the routes incase. You always gotta be prepared. Our trio started towards the DX station, where two girls sat with Soda and Steve.

"Hey Steve-o," I smile at my big brother.

"Hey squirt!" His smile widened when I approached him.

He threw an arm around me and the girl he sat with eye balled me.

"Eve, this is my little sister Macy." Steve loved to show me off.

Steve watched as the girl tried to hide her disgusted look on her face. "Nice to meet ya, Casey." She faked.

"It's Macy." My brother, Soda, Pony, Johnny, and I say in sync.

"Sorry." She pressed her lips in a thin line then put her attention towards her nails.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at Steve, he had anger in his face.

"It's alright Steve-o." I smile.

He huffs and Sandy turns to me, "So where have ya been hiding her, Steve?"

"Old man got tired of her bein' in a gang, funny ain't it." Steve chuckled.

"Hmm so we got an actual Greaser Girl? Or were you just a broad?" Sandy asks.

I pull my blade out, the shiny metal flipped up and the sunlight hit it just right. "I could make a boy my broad" I laughed, putting the blade away.

I watched Evie roll her eyes, and Steve noticed too. I liked Sandy, Evie was just a plain old broad that was only here as arm candy.

"Hey greasers," I hear a voice sneer behind me.

I turned around to see the Soc I threatened last night. "Ahh there's the little grease ball."

"Back off Soc, why don't ya go running off crying to your mommy like you did last night." I stood my ground.

He laughed and walked up to me, he was about to boop my nose when I grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind him. "Don't you dare lay your white trash hands on me, you Soc." I spit.

"Get in your own territory." I threaten and push him into the ground.

Like last night he got up, and ran.

"You dig good, Mace." Sandy nodded at me.

I wiped the dirt off my jeans and smiled. "No big deal."

Evie lightly scoffed, and Steve was too happy and proud of me to realize.

I stood next to Pony, The DX Station was having a slow day. Johnny needed to talk to Dal, so he left. "Can we work the counter?" I asked Soda and Steve.

"Go right on ahead Miss Macy." Soda smiled.

I pulled Pony behind the counter, "Got nothing better to do." I shrugged.

We sat there, taking turns ringing people up, and shooing preppy Soc girls off. I can see that Soda has the movie star qualities, but in my eyes I thought Pony looked like more of a star.

"Stevey, I'm sorry." I heard a whiny voice drag out the sentence.

"Ya got one more chance, you be nice to Macy. I just got her back and I ain't gonna let a broad ruin it." I heard Steve huff.

My heart swelled hearing Steve talk and my mind said Ha, ya dumb broad.

Then I heard her say that she'll "make it up to him" what? I looked at Pony, he was just as confused. That was until I heard a moan and zippers being unzipped.

Pony and I bolted out the door, yelling to Soda we were going back to one of our houses.

We ended up back at mine, in the backyard there was an old swing. So Pony and I sat down on it, I didn't realize we'd been out all day till I watched the sky turn from blue to a rainbow of other colors.

Pony and I talked, talked about his family, about mine, about why I was in Tulsa, about authors and books. "No ones really understood me this well." I blush.

"I know how you feel," he smiled at me, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

It feels like I've known Pony all my life, like I've been apart of this gang all of my life. "You know Dal never lets anyone get away with calling him Hood." Pony told me.

I remembered him laughing off the name this morning, "You really are special Macy, all of the guys love you and you've only been here for two days." He says while looking up at the always changing sky.

"You're special too Pony, trust me." I tell him, kicking my shoes off and tucking my legs in an Indian style. Then I leaned my head against Ponyboy's shoulder.

We watched the day turn into night and eventually fell asleep to the crickets chirping.

"Dar, he's over here. It's a Friday night, just leave the two be." I hear Two-Bit say.

"Fine, but at least throw a blanket over them. I don't need a kid sister and a kid brother sick." Darry said. Sister? I felt proud to be called that.

I faked sleep while I felt a fluffy piece of fabric cover me. Two-Bit walked back into the house, and I heard the front door close.

"You awake?" Pony asked and I hummed like I did this morning.

The swing was pretty big, and there was pillows on one end. We shifted to where I was basically on top of Pony while he slept on his back.

"The sky looks so beautiful at night." He told me, pulling me closer to him.

I had never had a real boyfriend, sometimes I'd make out with a guy. But that was really it. I never swooned over a boy, I never felt the cliche butterflies or any of that junk.

That was also before I met Ponyboy.

I hadn't know him for that long, but that didn't mean I hadn't grown close to him. We understood each other like no one else did. I was happy to have Ponyboy.

All rights to the characters go to S.E. Hinton.

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