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I was worried, no one misses a Tuesday night dinner. No. One.

"Johnny would've been back by now." I say.

"I'm going to look for him." I hop out of my seat.

The gang walked the streets, I had my hand on my blade. Just incase.

We walked by the lot, I spotted a piece of denim on the field and ran at it.

"It's Johnny's jacket!" I yell.

I inspected it closer.. the collar had a rusty red tint and I dropped the jacket while I backed away. I ran my back into Pony's front.

"There's blood on it." I say, there was a red trail on the grass.

"Fuck!" I screamed, it was more blood.

Pony and I ran following the blood, I looked up seeing a Mustang pass the lot.

I scanned the area and spotted a heap near a dumpster.

"Fuck, Pone come on!" I yell, sprinting towards the dumpster.

"Macy?" I hear a weak voice shake out.

"Johnnycakes." I pant, walking up to him.

He turned to me, tears spilling from his eyes, his cheek cut up, and his body was shaking.

The rest of the gang caught up to me, Dally threw his jacket around Johnny and Darry picked him up. I kept my face cold, I was sad, I was angry. I wanted to cry and use my blade on the damn Soc's car so he has to get a new one.

Darry fixed Johnny up while Dally and I went on a rampage. "Those stupid fucking Socs!" I yelled in anger.

"I need a fucking beer and a cigarette." I groan.

Steve turn towards me, I gave him a cold glare and he handed me a beer.

"Don't worry. I only drink occasionally." I rolled my eyes and took his pack of cigarettes.

"I can't, I'm tracking them down and so help me God I'll-" I start up again, but Johnny interrupts me.

"Goddamnit Macy I ain't lettin' you get up in a Soc's face. I'm fine." He huffs.

"No Johnny. I ain't been here long, but I know they ain't gonna let up." I say taking a drag of my cigarette.

Pony sat quietly, staring at me. I didn't know why, but I just decided to ignore it. Dally and I were getting each other mad again, taking turns chugging beers.

I only drank one, and I could hold my liquor well.

"Well Johnny is asleep." Darry sighs, heading to his room to sleep.

Two but slept in Darry's recliner, he wanted to look over Johnny. Dally passed out in the rocker.

Pony and I went back over to mine and Steve's. Soda and Steve had a drag race to watch tonight, but that didn't bother us none.

I walked into the house, throwing my jacket off and sliding the tight shirt off of me.

"Macy, what are you doing?" Pony asked as I turned to face him, his eyes trying to keep focus on mine.

"I'm tired of wearing clothes." I tell him and kick my converse off.

He follows me into my room, I toss a white shirt over my head and slide the bra off my body. Pony got ready for bed silently, he knew I was still furious.

I slid a pair of my gym shorts on and walk into the bathroom and get ready to lay in bed.

I walk back in and pull a pair of tight white jeans out of my closet along with a black shirt for tomorrow. Once I finish with that I lay beside Pony.

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