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We had all slept in the living room, it was good luck in a way. We all woke up super early, we all dressed up for the Court hearing. I wore a black dress that flowed to my knees, Alice let me borrow a light blue cardigan. I looked okay, I didn't do much with makeup and I tied my bleached hair up in a bun. I was surprised it went up. I slid one of my flats on and crutched back over to the Curtis house. All of the guys wore suits, I was impressed.

Alice showed up for support too, she looked great. She wore a dress similar to mine, but her's was a light pink and she wore a cute jacket over it with a pair of heels.

We all piled into cars, Johnny went with Alice and Darry in the truck. Dal drove Steve, Soda, Pony, Two, and I. I sat in Pony's lap so we'd all fit, then we took off.

I was never very religious, but I prayed a lot before we arrived. We got in and it was a blur. They started with Bob's friends who attacked us.

"Bob was drunk, we all were. He started messing with.. Macy." He basically cringed saying my name.

"When she told him no he took it too far and tried to drown her." The rest of their stories sounded the same.

"Macy Randle to the stand." The judge said and I took a deep breath.

The cop helped me up onto the stand. "Do you swear to say nothing but the truth, and the whole truth?" The judge asked and I said I did.

"So can you tell me why you were in the lot?" She asked.

"I was on a date with my boyfriend, Ponyboy." I smiled lightly as I looked up at my boyfriend.

"We were walking home and we told them we didn't want any trouble. Bob tried to put his hands on me and I told him no, he got mad and said they needed to wash the whore off of me." I explained.

"Do you like your home?" The judge asked.

"I love it." I replied honestly.

"Was school going well before the accident? Does Steve treat you well?" She continued.

"I was doing pretty well in all of my classes, and Steve is the best brother I could ask for. He takes care of me and protects me." I smile, looking at my brother.

The rest of the guys were questioned if Soda, Pony, and I were happy in our homes. The Socs' stories added up to mine, Pony, and Johnny's.

"I plead the defendant, Johnny Cade, not guilty." The judge smiles and I hop out of me seat.

I soon fell back down in pain because I stepped on my cast. The judge calmed us all down, "Macy Randle will be placed in the custody of Steve Randle, her older brother. Ponyboy Curtis and Sodapop Curtis will be placed in the custody of their older brother, Darrel Curtis." She finishes.

We all hopped up and hugged. I looked over at Cherry, she smiled and I smiled back. I still saw a piece of her broken, I hoped she didn't see the same in me.

The gang and I decided to go out to eat a celebratory breakfast, we had to connect a couple tables to fit everyone. We were all smiling and laughing, just like old times. I laid my head on Pony's shoulder and I grabbed his hand.

"I love you so much." He whispers to me.

"I love you so much too." I smile up at him.

I pulled him closer to me and connected our lips, the gang started hollering at us. Steve even threw a napkin at us, we pulled away laughing. Pony was always a little embarrassed when the gang did things like this, me on the other hand I could be half naked and running through town and be perfectly fine.

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