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I finally got back to school, I got to opt out of gym which is great.

Nothing has really been going on, the East side was peaceful for once.

"I wanna take you out." Pony said, I was mopping the floor of the DX station while he worked on his homework.

I was glad that nothing happened at school, I caught up really quickly. "Okay, when?" I asked him.

"Tonight, we've been one actual date before and I wanna treat you to something." He smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Okay, do I gotta dress up?" I ask him as I lean back into him.

"You could wear this and if still think you're the prettiest girl. So wear what you want." He smiled, his lips ghosted my neck. Before he could do anything Soda ran in.

"No sex on the job, Macy!" He lectured and I let out a laugh.

Steve and Soda let me clock out early so Alice could take me shopping. Ever since I scared the shit out of her we've been close. I took some money out of my emergency jar and we went to a nice clothing store.

We were walking around when Alice spotted a "jaw dropping" dress. "Come on Alice it's just a-" I dropped my jaw, damn. It was a beautiful dress.

It had shoulders like my blue shirt, but it was black. It went to just above my knees and when I tried it on I fell in love. "Oh my god Mace if you don't buy it I'm buying it for you." Alice gushed.

It was on clearance too, I squealed a little and took it off to buy it. I also bought a pair of heels to go with it. They weren't super high, but they went perfect with the dress. They were black and simple, easy to walk in.

Alice also made me buy a matte red lipstick, that wouldn't smear if I kissed Pony, and some eyeliner and eyeshadow. Alice also helped me pick out some different clothes,

When we got back Soda and Pony were scrambling around, like they were looking for something. Alice simply pulled me into my house and to my room. "When do ya need her ready?" She yelled out my window at the Curtis boys.

"We need at least an hour!" Soda yelled back.

Alice made me shower, and when I got out she combed through my hair. It hurt, but she just told me beauty is pain. She put them in rollers and started on my face. Alice put on a natural eye look with a little wing of eyeliner. She let me apply mascara and the lipstick. From what my face looked, I looked better than I ever had.

I slipped into the dress again, my locket hanging from my neck and my bracelet wrapped around my wrist. I also had on my grandmother's ring on. Alice finished drying my hair and unrolled the curlers. She squealed as she fixed my hair. "Okay look!" She exclaimed, pushing me into front of the mirror.

I gasped, I looked amazing. My curves popped out perfectly and my dark brown hair was curled to perfection. My face looked pretty good too. Alice sprayed me with perfume and I started coughing when I accidentally inhaled it.

"We're done! Holy shit." Soda gasps, looking at me.

"Don't you wish you grabbed her up before Pone did?" Alice laughs as I slip into my heels.

"If she was a little older and wasn't my best friend's kid sister." Soda said looking me up and down.

"Well that ain't stopping you now." I smirked, sliding my leather jacket on. I flipped my hair out and put a pair of fake pearl earrings in.

"Bye Soda, thank you for whatever you helped Pony do." I kissed his cheek and went to walk out the front door.

"You can't go out yet!" Soda pulled over his shoulder and ran out through the backyard.

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