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We brought Sandy with us shopping, scratch that Sandy became Sergeant Shopper because she wanted to but my clothes and cutesy things. She's an only child, so I'm the closest thing to her as a sister she can dress up.

Pony and Johnny followed behind Sandy and I, hell I didn't even know what we were doing.

Sandy picked up a super tight black dress. "This would hug your curves perfectly." She gushed.

"Sandy, I ain't just some arm candy that wears skimpy clothes to a rumble and watches." I laugh.

"Fine." She huffs putting the dress down.

Sandy has money lying around so she went all out on me. New jeans, colorful shirts (I only let her pick a couple), and a pair of flats.

"Steve ain't gonna know how to deal with you on your period so we might as well get these too." She tossed pads behind her and Pony caught them, boy was he confused.

I picked up some pre sharpened pencils and with the help of the two boys I got a notebook and folder for each class.

Finally when we were done the boys helped me fill my dresser, which I did the panties drawer myself. Sandy insisted on buying frilly underwear. "For when the right time comes" she said with a wink. I could've died in that store. She also bought some red lipstick for me, I thought it'd make me look even more tuff in a rumble. I remembered to thank her, and to blame her for the underwear when Steve goes to do the laundry.

"Well I need to go home," Johnny sighs.

"If it's too bad come back, okay?" I ask and hen nods.

Pony and I laid on my bed. "Wow." He said out of nowhere.

"What?" I ask him.

"I get to walk into school with the tuffest, and most gorgeous girl tomorrow." He states, clearly in shock.

"You're lucky you're a pretty boy." I laugh, pecking his cheek.

"Would you let me walk into school with you?" He asks me.

"Why wouldn't I?" I tilted my head a little bit.

"Because I haven't officially asked you to go steady with me." He explains.

"Just because we don't have the label as an item doesn't mean I don't want everyone to know we will be a thing." I tell him, cuddling closer into him.

"I'll ask you one day, I promise." Pony tells me.

Honestly if he asked me right here, right now I'd say yes.

I placed a kiss on Pony's lips, and he looked at me confused. "Am I not allowed to kiss a cute boy?"

He laughed and then leaned up to meet my lips, I place hand on the back of his head, with the amount of grease he put in his hair it didn't feel super greasy.

"Mace, you're gonna mess up my hair." He jokes.

I glare at him playfully and slap his arm. I look up at the clock on my wall.

"Lets go over to your place and see if they made dinner." I tell Pony as I hop up.

"But why?" He groans.

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