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Ponyboy's POV

I woke up in an ambulance, "Where's Dally? Where's Johnny? Where's Macy?" I yell.

"Calm down, your friends are in the ambulance in front of us." The man says, holding me down.

"You know I haven't seen a group of kids as brace as you guys, what are you? Professional heroes?" He asks me.

"We're greasers." I croak out.

"What?" The man asks.

"Take us into to town and you'll see." I tell him with a groan.

When we arrived the man and I sat down, smoking cigarettes. "You shouldn't be smoking, kid." The man says as he flicks his ashes into the ashtray.

I looked around for a no smoking sign, but found none. "It's a bad habit." He tells me.

Before I could respond I watched my two brothers run in. I drop the cigarette in the ash tray and hop up.

"Darry! Soda!" I yelled and they ran to me.

Soda reached me first, "Look at your tuff hair!" He cried as he hugged me.

All three of us hugged as they wheeled Dallas through the doors. "You pull anything again like that, I'm gonna kill you." Dally tugged on my jacket, before he was wheeled away.

I noticed Steve in the corner, the usually happy boy was quiet. I watched Johnny walk in, he looked the same as me. My brothers and Steve hugged him, making sure he was okay. "Dal told you they were worried." I smile lightly at Johnny.

Before he could speak they rolled Macy in. "Stop fucking messing with my leg, you dumbass! That hurts!" I heard my fiery girlfriend yell.

I watched Steve's face light up. "Hey Steve-o." She smiled before being wheeled off.

"We thought we lost all of you." Steve cried, hugging me.

Steve had never been a fan of me, but ever since I asked Macy out we had gotten closer.

Dal ended up having burns on his arm, and Macy had a broken leg. Macy was the worse out of all of us, and we found out she needs surgery on her ankle immediately.

"Let me say hello first, oh my god buddy I will give you a black eye once you fix my leg." I heard my girlfriend fight.

Oh god, I love her so much.

They wheeled her bed out. "Hey baby, look! My bone is poppin' out!" She smiled in pain, they had dressed her in a gown now.

"They're gonna knock me out, so goodbye. I love you guys!" She smiled as they gave her the drugs to knock her out.

"I have never been so proud to have her as my baby sister." Steve cried, watching Macy became drowsy and kept making fun of the male nurse.

"Oh god, you'd be so ugly if you were a girl." She laughed at the male nurse.

That's my girl.

We all went home, I took a shower and washed all of the smoke off of me. I was happy to be back, then I looked in the mirror. My hair was disgusting. I threw on a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, my jacket smelled like smoke so I tossed a sweatshirt on. We headed back to the hospital as soon as Johnny had showered.

We went to Dally's room first, Macy was still in surgery. "Where's your gown?" The nurse asked Dal when he flopped into his bed.

"It was botherin' me, so I threw it away." The greaser smirked.

The nurse rolled her eyes and walked out.

"Hey!" Dally greets us.

"How ya doin' Dal?" Johnny asks.

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