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It was now Christmas Eve, I was still in a predicament with myself. You're probably making shit up. I thought to myself.

I focus back in, I was sitting in Pony's lap.  The whole gang was crunched in the Curtis living room. Dal was on the rocker, rolling his eyes at Darry for trying to get him to put his cigarette out. Darry was in his recliner like usual, Pony, Two, and I were on the couch. I had my back against the youngest Curtis boy's front. Johnny was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, his head resting on a pillow while he watched the movie. Steve and Sodapop were messing around, wrestling when they got bored of the movie.

Two-Bit was buzzed as usual, he had passed out for a little while. Probably bored of the movie, and his beer bottle was still in his hand.

I was reading some Philip Roth book, I wasn't very interested in the movie and I had been zoned out thinking.

"You've been on the same page for a while, what's the matter?" Pony whispered in my ear.

"I just got lost in thought." I assure him, he probably thought I was talkin' about the rumble.

Boy, was he wrong.

Yes, the rumble was on my mind. Deciphering whether Pony really said 'I love you' or my mind was playing tricks on me was the real problem. I attempt to focus on my book, but it just wasn't working. My mind was giving me a headache and my eyes hurt. I simply closed the book and stretched out a little more, turning my attention to the TV.

"I'm tired." Steve yawned, we all agreed and decided to get all of our gifts to put under the tree.

I was surprised, the boys made the tree look real good. Two-Bit and I even made some more ornaments, his face lit up when he saw how nice they made the tree look. I had to trudge through the back yard to get my presents for the boys. I sure hoped they would like them.

The bottom of the tree was filled with presents, it made me feel at home. Happy.

Johnny, Two, Steve, and Soda camped out on the floor. Dal could pass out in the old rocker any day. Two-Bit obviously had too many drinks and throughout the night he'd wake some of us up with dumbass realizations.

"So when Ponyboy finally gets laid and becomes a man, do we have to call him Horseman?"

I laughed at that one, Pony just told him to shut it and go to sleep.


"Macy! Pone! Wake up!" I heard Two-Bit yell.

I groaned and opened my eyes. "Merry Christmas Two." I tell the excited Greaser.

"And a merry Christmas to you." He smiles.

I get up and make everyone hot chocolate, even Dal wanted some.

"Here ya go." I smile, setting two mugs down on the side table between Dal and Darry.

They both thank me and I give Soda and Steve their's. Two and Johnny had already gotten up and stolen their's, so I handed Pony his. Then, I sat down next to him with mine.

Two-Bit was the most excited, he passed everyone their presents from him. We all opened them, and mine made me laugh.

He got Darry a new fluffy blanket, the oldest Curtis boy always had a soft spot for those blankets.

He gave Johnny a new switch and a block you use to sharpen the blade.

Pony received a book and a pack of condoms. I laughed at his too.

Soda received condoms too, but Two also got him a new flannel. Steve got a matching gift.

Two-Bit gave Dal a pack of cigarettes and a pack of matches with a little bow on the boxes.

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