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Macy's POV

I woke up, feeling a body next to me. I tried to recall what had happened and I started to freak a little. "Is she gone?" I ask aloud.

"Yeah." It was Pony who was next to me.

I turned and wrapped my arm around his waist. "I hate her." I tell him.

He set the book down and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "I hate her too."

I leaned into him, I never wanted to let go. The truth was is that I was scared to let go, I just wanted to hold onto Pony forever.

"I'm surprised our hair didn't turn out orange." He smiles down at me.

I smile back, "You look good blonde." I tell him.

I never thought I'd like his blonde hair this much, but I thought he looked amazing.

"Hey! Ponyboy stop hogging Macy! We missed her too!" Two-Bit smiles, sitting next to us in the chair.

Two sat a newspaper in my lap and I was taken back, Juvenile Delinquents Turned Heroes.
There was a picture of Dal, then Johnny, Ponyboy, and finally me. There was a huge article on the front about how we saved those kids, and on the side about how Dallas Winston had a record. I laughed "Dal is gonna be mad that they didn't list his record."

I flipped the page and my heart stopped. Ponyboy Curtis, one of four of heroes, and his older brother Sodapop Curtis will be held in boy's home if Johnny Cade is guilty. Another hero, Macy Randle, will be sent to her mother's if Cade is guilty. Then there was a picture of Steve and I on the top, the Curtis Boys at the bottom.

"I can't go with her." I close the newspaper.

"You're not, Ponyboy and Soda aren't going anywhere either." Steve assures me.

"The Socs are pleading that Johnny did it out of self defense, that they were drunk." Steve goes on.

I calm down more, and the rest of the gang comes in. All besides Dallas Winston.

"Is Dal okay?" I ask.

"Dallas Winston can go through anything." I hear a voice from the hall.

Everyone moves and there he is, a robe tied around him as he walks in. "My arm was just burnt up." He tells me, showing the arm.

I grimace, "Clearly you haven't seen your leg Mace, I had to put both you and Pony out." He laughs.

I make room on the bed and he sits next to me.

"Excuse me," it was the male nurse.

"Come back for the rumble?" I smirk at the nurse.

He lets out a laugh, "A photographer wants to get some pictures for the paper, can she come in and take a couple?"

"I don't care, hey! You fucking coward! Get back here! I ain't done with you!" I yell at the leaving nurse.

I don't know why I chose to pick on this guy, but it sure made this place better.

"I still have smoke on me." I frown.

"You look beautiful." Pony smiles and before I can answer a young woman came in.

"Hi, I'm Kelly Ace. I just need a couple quick photos for the paper." She was beautiful, she had light blue eyes and light brown hair.

"Sure!" I smile, I look over at Steve and he was basically drooling over her.

She pulled Johnny over so she could get a picture of us four "heroes." Then she got one of just Pony and I, did she know we were together?

"Okay can I get Macy and.. Steve is it?" She asks and I nod.

"Come here Steve-o." I smiled and my brother sat next to me on the bed.

I could tell he caught her eye, and I smirked. Kelly noticed me and blushed slightly. Steve wrapped an arm around me and we both smiled. "Thank you, and get better Macy." She told me.

"No problem and I'll try." I wink at her and she laughs.

She walks out and I push Steve up. "Go get her number!" I whisper.

He kinda runs out and I try to move so I can see them. "Does anyone know when I can get out of here?" I ask, watching Steve and Kelly talk.

"We get out in one or two days, I don't know why, but they need to make sure we're okay. Even though I'm perfectly fine." Dal rolls his eyes.

I press my button and the male nurse walks in, "When can I take a bath?" I ask him.

"I can go get a female nurse to help you." He offers.

"Just help me take a bath, you're probably the one who cut my clothes off anyways." I say.

The nurse helps me into the bathroom, he put plastic wrap on my cast and turned the water on. The shower was one of those where I can sit down so he turned around and let me hop in. "Just yell when you're done." He tells me as I close the curtain.

I was happy, Steve slid a shaving razor in and I thanked him. I hadn't shaved in basically a week. I finally got done, I turned off the water and peeked out of the shower. I got out and dried myself off, I saw some of my clothes so I threw those on. It was just a pair of shorts that went to my mid thigh, a black shirt, and a sweatshirt. I sat down in the wheel chair and dried my hair. It was pretty easy considering how short my hair was now, it actually looked good and not choppy.

I wheeled myself out and the guys were all talking. "Can we walk somewhere? I'm tired of sitting around here." I ask, pulling the plastic off my cast.

Steve pushed my wheelchair out while the gang took Dal back to his room. "So did you get Kelly's number?" I ask him.

"Yeah, she's really nice." My brother smiled at me.

I was about to talk, but I saw the male nurse. "Hey buddy, since you didn't rumble in my room I'm here to get you." I joke and he laughs.

"Good to see you moving, Macy." He smiles.

"What even is your name?" I ask him.

"Derrick." He says.

"Well Derrick, I may be in a wheelchair, but I'm still gonna kick your ass." I tease before Steve pushes me along.

"Are you hungry?" Steve asks me and I nod.

We talk about how each other we're doing and rode the elevator down to the cafeteria. I just get chocolate chip pancakes and a water while Steve got two sandwiches and some chocolate milk.

We ate in silence, "I'm scared." He blurts out.

I didn't look up, "So am I, but Johnny did it out of self defense. The odds aren't against him, he has a higher chance of pleading not guilty." I tell him.

"And sides if that witch bitch ends up getting me she'll bring me right back. She doesn't want a greaser girl in her house." I laugh lightly.

"Hopefully she doesn't get you, I don't know what I'd do without you living with me." Steve says, choking up a little bit.

"We'll be okay." I assure him and myself.

We'll be okay.

Unedited, do I really have to say it anymore? 😂

(help a girl out and leave a vote ❤️)

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