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It was December, Johnny is better physically. He's so shy now and every time I see him shake I wanna pound those Socs in. Johnny doesn't deserve this. He's back at running, he and Pony have a meet tonight and the whole gang is coming.

I was riding with Darry and Soda, Steve was hiding in the back of the truck under some blankets. Once we paid through and parked we all hopped out and found seats near the bottom. I scanned the track, I saw Pony and Johnny stretching. I smiled and caught Pony's eyes. Dal and Two came trudging in with Tim Sheppard. I wondered if Tim came for some action or to actually watch the boys.

The race started, Johnny and Pony were tied at first. They only had to go around the track once, I think. Johnny knows Pony is faster than him, and I think he's accepted it. Pony glances at me, my voice is able to be heard over everyone else's the way I'm yelling. He takes off even faster, running the track like he was an Olympian. Our gang started screaming louder as Pony came in first and Johnny came in second.

We were all proud of the two, and once they came out we all flipped out again. "Guys calm down, that was only a beginners race." Johnny laughed.

"You guys were fu-" "No cussing in school Macy." Darry interrupted me.

"You guys were flipping amazing!" I reword my sentence.

Once we all got back to the Curtis house, Pony passed out in the recliner and Johnny tried to stay awake. "Go to sleep Johnny, I'll see ya tomorrow." I tell him.

He simply nods, and I peck forehead. I walked over to Pony and kissed his cheek. I went out the back because it was easier than the front, and less chance of getting jumped.


The next day at school, all of the Socs were pissed because two greaser beat everyone and the first place man had the "too Pretty to be a Greaser girl" as his girlfriend.

I just kinda laughed, no one dared to mess with me after what happened with the pushy Soc. Fine by me. Today at lunch we sat with some of the Sheppard's outfit instead of being alone.

"I love your jacket." Emmi, a greaser girl, told me.

"Thanks," I smiled and I felt Pony wrap his arm around.

The boys had track practice tonight, so I kissed Pony and Two drove me to the DX.

"Have fun Miss Macy." Two smiled and I got out of the car.

I walked into the station, Soda sat at the counter with his head down.

"Hey Sodie-pop!" I smile at him.

He didn't reply.

"Soda?" I question the always happy boy.

"I'm alive Mace, don't worry." He said dryly.

"Sode.." I trail off while pulling another stool up by him.

"I can't Macy. She cheated." He sobbed into his sleeve.

I gasped, Sandy was a sweet girl. "She's pregnant with another man's baby." He sobbed.

I rubbed Soda's back, telling him everything was going to be okay. "I loved her, I was gonna marry her." He started shaking.

He pulled a dainty ring out of his pocket, I knew Sandy would've loved it. "Oh Soda." I frowned, pulling him into a hug.

"Please, don't ever do anything like that to Pony. I know you two haven't been goin' steady for long, but I see that you two love each other." Soda cried to me.

"I would never, I promise you." I hooked my pinky out his, I got a small laugh out of him.

"I gotta get back to work, thank you Mace. I love you." He thanked me with a peck on my cheek and went to the garage.

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