Ready, Set, - Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

Hey diary, it's been quite a while since I have written but I have a bad news... I'm moving! The new high school I'm going to is called Mikajike High School. I'm going to miss all of my friends! What if the new people I meet find out my secret? That... I'm a demon... They would hate me and would try to kill me! I sure hope I still remember how to brainwash.

Why did mom have to find a new job far away?! This is the worst... Whatever... I just have to deal with it...




Me and my mom went to the airport and went on a plane, it took about 9 hours for us to arrive to our destination. And I did not like the ride a single bit. I absolutely hated it.

When we arrived at our new house, we unpacked everything since all our furniture came 2 days early. Although our neighbor offered to help and they kept trying to ask if they can so my mom had no other choice but to say yes.

Our house was HUGE! We had a second floor AND a third floor and the design of the inside and outside of the house was AM-A-ZING! Our neighbor had a son and he was very cute. His name was Yuki and he mentioned something about having a 1 year younger brother but he never said the younger brothers name.

When we were done unpacking everything I went to the 2nd floor because that's where my room was and my room was big. I laid on my bed and called my friend Kanae, we talked for about an hour. When we finished talking, I walked down to the kitchen and I saw mom cooking chicken.

I. Love. Chicken.

But then I started to complain.

"Mom, I still don't like it that we had to move..." I cried.

"Akane... Trust me, it won't be that bad! You'll meet new friends and you'll have a great time! Isn't moving what you wanted when you were little?"

"Yeah mom. When I was LITTLE! I'm not little anymore and I miss my old friends!"

"Please Akane? Do it for me. Just try to be positive!" She smiled.

"Fine mom... I'll try.." I mumbled.

What I was most not excited about was starting of as a newbie in year 2. It was difficult enough when I was in year 1! This is just great.

Actually... Why don't I use my powers?! If I can turn invisible for most of the time in school, no one will be able to talk to me or see me! Yes yes! That's a great idea!~

"By the way Akena, no using your magicks during school areas or outside the house."






"Because if you do, something really bad might happen and someone might think you're a witch or something like that and that can't happen."

I stomped to my room and locked the door.

"Okay, maybe there will be that one person who's really friendly and comes up to newbies and asks to be friends!" I thought of the idea again and realized those don't happen in real (anime) life " Gah nevermind... Those don't actually happen..."

I walked back down and asked my mom if I could go walk around the neighborhood. She said yes but I should be back before dark. And so, I went outside the house and walked around the neighborhood.


I continued walking and I saw a pretty neat park. I walked to one of the swings and started texting Kanae. We texted for while and without noticing it was really dark and the moon was full and big, it was also shining brightly but then... I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"AAH!" I screamed being scared. I jumped off the swing and turned back getting into a judo position.

But it was just a boy... Since I was 5'1, he looked one inch taller than me. He had dark brown hair, light soft skin and shining hazel eyes from the moons light.

"You should have seen the look on your face! It was priceless!" He laughed, looking really cute.

"Please don't do that. Who are you and what do you want." I asked seriously, I felt my cheeks burning and I know I was blushing but I had to pretend I didn't care.

"Awwe, is the cute kitty in front of me mad? Sowwy..."

"Don't mock me pretty boy." I glared at him.

"I- um... Shut up..." He instantly blushed pink and swinged his head at the moons direction. I giggled quietly and asked "So can I help you?".

"Nah, not really. I was just walking around and I saw a person at the park. You shouldn't be alone in the middle of the night."

"Wait it's not..." I stared at my phones time and my eyes widened " OMG! I was supposed to get home before dark!" I panicked covering my face with my right hand. The guy took my hand off my face and stared at me smiling with his eyes closed.

"I'll walk you home!" He offered smiling softly.

"S- sure" I stuttered. Wait. I STUTTERED! GAH! No no no, that was just me being shy! Yeah!

We started walking in my house's direction and talked a bit more.

"Say, I never catched your name when we were at the park." I commented staring at his shining eyes. He turned his head right since his head was facing his front.

"Right. The names Akashi." He smiled. I blushed and answered "My names Akane, nice to meet you Akashi!" I smiled back.


We finally reached my house and Akashi was pretty shocked.

"You live here Akane?!"

"Yep." I answered while both of us stares at the house.

"I guess we're neighbors then!" He smiled at me with his eyes closed.

"Really?! Wow, so your house is that one on the left?"


"That's great! That means we can visit each other! I have to go now tho, I bet my mom's still waiting for me and I'll get in a huge trouble." I said worriedly.

"Goodluck then! Bye Akane, I'll see you around!" He waved goodbye walking towards his house, while I wave back walking towards my own house.


I entered my house and I was surprised that mom wasn't waiting for me. I just went to my room, wore my kitty onesie and layed on my bed closing my eyes.

"What a long day it's been..." I whispered in an exhausted way. Then slowly, I went to sleep.

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