Chapter 2 - Start

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"The dining hall is this way," Kathleen instructed. She seemed tense for some apparent reason. Whatever I'm more worried about the Bloodsucker waiting for me at dinner. She's a vampire, what could I provide in protection that she doesn't have? "Lady Braxton should be waiting for you in here." Kathleen turned and opened the door.

"You're just in time." Perfect she's sitting at the end of the table, with a placemat set at the seat next to her. "Please," She stood up. Damn, she was tall or at least tall by my standards. Layla had to be around 5'5" or 5'6" minimum. "Sit here." She held out her arm to point out the chair next to her. I slowly walk over and sat down. The room was large and dark. Gothic architecture if I had to guess. Two large chandeliers cast the room in a dim lighting.

"What do you mean by protection?" I asked. Might as well get to the point. Layla looked at me, her eyebrows furrowed at my question.


"The job offer. You said you wanted protection. What protection can I give you that you don't already have here?" I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was searching mine for the correct response.

"The type of protection?" She asked. Layla was nervous. Her whole body was tense, her brown eyes won't meet mine at all.

"That's what I asked."

"Well, it's not so much of protection, more like providing company," I felt my eyebrow raised in suspicion. "I mean, protection is part of it! I have a horrible tendency of overworking and exhausting myself. It's a horrible habit that I need to break." She wanted protection from herself. Before I could even make a retort, a door opened.

"So Layla, I see you brought your pet to the table." My head snapped around to see an even taller male with long limbs.

"That's no way to speak to a guest Aldrich. She's here under my orders and under the protection of the council." Layla told him, rubbing her face in exasperation.

"For now." He answered before walking over. He gripped my face and turned it to examine me further. I bit my tongue to refrain from mouthing off. However, I did try to pry his hand away from my face but his grip was too strong. I tried shaking him off but was rooted to the spot.

"Aldrich stop!" Layla stood up abruptly. "Let her go!"

"Well, would you look at that," He then looked me in the eye. He had one red eye and one silver eye. "Someone is protective of her pet." I glared at him. He smirked and I felt him lift me out of my chair and into the air. This hurts like a bitch.

"She's in a critical state! Put her down!" Layla ordered. Aldrich did nothing. He didn't even glance at her. His eyes were trained on me.

Quickly, I swing my leg around and attempt to kick him in the ribs. However, he was quicker and blocked the kick with his free arm.

"Would you look at that, the kitten has claws." He doesn't feel right to me. He's up to something, something bad. My gut is screaming this to me. I can't take this much more, my head feels like it's about to detach from my body.

"Fuck you." I spat in his face, then, he quickly dropped me and I hit the floor hard.

"And she apparently has a sharp tongue." He muttered while wiping my saliva off of his face. Layla ran to my side. She placed her hand on my shoulder and went to examine my neck but pulled away quickly. She learns quickly I'll give her that.

"Then it would be wise to leave her alone. She is under my protection as ordered by the Council. You know that." I turned to look Layla in the eye, her gaze was trained on Aldrich. I couldn't make out what was going on in her head, but her eyes roared with anger.

"For now your pet is under protection but not for long." Aldrich straightened his clothes before smirking at both of us. His whole being and attitude pisses me off to the point I can almost see red.

"I am nobody's pet." He looked down at me and his smirk turned into a grin.

"Really now?" He asked with a condescending tone. I got to my feet and stood as tall as I could. It probably didn't seem tall to everyone else, but the number one rule of any altercation is to never look down on your opponent.

"I'm not her pet, I'm not your pet, I don't belong to anyone so don't act like I do." He looked me in the eye before bursting with laughter.

"You really know how to pick them, Layla! I'll get a few good laughs from her." He continued to laugh. I hate him. I really hate him. He then headed to the door. "I'll see you two another time. I have actual research to attend to." He added before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Layla got up and walked over.

"I, um, I-"

"What did he mean by picking them?" I turned to look her in the eye. She was stunned, to say the least.

"What?" I rolled my eyes. Either this girl is dense or can't hold a conversation very long.

"He said 'pick them' which means multiple. I'm not the first one in your care am I?" Her face immediately dropped. She couldn't even look me in the eye. "Answer me." My order did nothing. I sighed and got a little closer. "Please?" I asked changing my tone. This got a reaction.

"No, you're not the first," Layla answered softly, a hint of pain in her voice. I want to pry, I really do but something in my gut tells me not to.

"When do I start?" I asked. Another stunned look spread across her face.


"When do you want me to start the job?" I know what she meant by protection now. It was clear as glass. She needed someone to protect her emotionally, maybe even mentally. If she needs it as bad as I think she does, then I can't ignore her.

"Now." Layla smiled softly.

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