Chapter 4 - Walls

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Nyx's POV

Damn, I'm almost out of stamina.

"Harder." Doesn't she know I'm giving her everything I have? "One more go. Then we can take a break." Liar. She said that for the last four rounds. I shook my wrists out before charging. I threw a swift punch. It was pushed aside. Good, now I have an opening. I back stepped and swung my leg around for a solid kick. Before I could make contact, I was tipped over and slammed on the ground. A wrinkled hand hovered above my throat. "Dead." I glared while breathing heavily.

"Priestess, maybe we should take a small break. Nyx is getting worse with each sparring match." I looked over at Layla. She was standing on the sideline of the gym mats. Her stance was awkward and her face was contorted with worry. Ivah removed her hand and stood up straight.

"I suppose but," Ivah turned and offered her hand to me, "You need to get stronger." I narrowed my eyes before ignoring her hand. I pushed myself to my feet.

"You expect me to get to your speed and strength within a few hours?" I asked. Ivah only laughed.

"No. That'd be impossible. I want you to prove you're capable of holding your own. That's how you'll convince the council you're worth keeping." I slowly nodded.

"Do you really think I'd still be alive if I wasn't capable?" Ivah didn't answer as Layla walked over. She went to reach for my neck before I pulled away.

"Right, can't touch only look," Layla murmured. "It needs to be changed again." I looked up at her. I sighed before gently removing the bandage. Layla bent down to observe it. She then went into her bag and offered another bandage and a bottle of cream. I accepted the supplies and fixed up my neck again. I glanced at Ivah. She waited patiently for us to finish.

"Let's go again." I handed Layla the cream back before turning to Ivah. "I'll only improve if we keep at it."

"I like your drive. Why don't we try a-" Before she could finish my instinct took over. I charged and jumped onto her. I wrapped my arms around her chest and shoulders, my legs clamping around her waist. Without skipping a beat, Ivah twisted to try and shake me off. We squirmed back and forth. I took a sharp hit in the face by an elbow.

"Nyx!" Layla went running over but stopped herself halfway there. I felt blood drip down to my lip. Layla would get worked up from a bloody nose. Finally, I let my legs go to place them firmly on the mat. I quickly pulled Ivah off the ground and threw her down.

"How's that for capable?" I smirked. Ivah laughed.

"That was good," She quickly swung her leg around and took out my knees. I crumpled onto the ground. Before I could make an effort to move Ivah had me pinned, "But you still leave yourself open." Layla sprinted over. Ivah rolled off and sat crossed legged next to me.

"Where exactly did you hit?" She asked scanning me over. I sat up and shrugged.

"I feel fine. Don't worry." That was apparently the wrong answer. Layla quickly cleaned up the blood on my face before doing her examination. Her hands were soft yet her actions were rigid as she checked for more signs of trauma.

"I think this is enough for today. Nyx you need your rest, you've had a long night." Layla ordered before pulling me off the ground. After sorta getting my balance I glanced up at Layla before trying to pull away.

"I'm fine. No need to get so worked up." I told her. Layla then pulled me close to her, keeping me there with her strong grip. I could feel her chest on my upper back.

"Forgive me, Priestess. We need to leave. We can continue another night." Ivah smiled softly before standing up.

"Very well. Good night you two." Ivah bowed respectfully before standing tall. "We will work together soon." I nodded before Layla started to lead me out of the practice arena. "Oh, and Braxton," Layla stopped, her body rigid. I looked over at the leader of the Council. Her face changed to an intimidating look. "Never interrupt us like that again unless your patient needs emergency medical attention." Layla bowed her head.

"I was only-"

"You may be in charge of the department of Medical Research but do not forget that was my department before yours. I am perfectly capable of knowing when enough is enough." Ivah narrowed her eyes. Layla nodded before pulling me out of the room and into the hallway.

"Are you ok?" I asked. No answer, Layla just continuing to walk swiftly. "So, are we going to acknowledge what just happened?" Still no answer. "Why are you so protective? You and I both know I was fine." Again, complete silence. I can feel my eye twitch. "So you're just going to ignore me?" Layla stopped mid step. That got a reaction from her. "If you tell me what's going on in your head maybe I could-"

Layla turned and swiftly pushed me to the wall, cornering me with her body. I quickly shot my arms forward to create some distance between us. However, Layla was quicker. She grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them to the wall above me. I fought against her grip but I'm not strong enough to fight against her vampire level strength.

"Why do you act like this?" She asked. I stopped struggling to look her in the eye. She had almost a hurt and confused expression.

"Act like what?" I asked narrowing my eyes. I attempted to pull my arms away from her one more time. Layla shifted her grip, holding both of my arms back with her left hand. Her right hand lowered and she gently lifted the left side of my shirt. Her fingers caressed the large scar that stretched from my hip to the top of my naval. I shivered slightly, her hand was cold.

"You act as if you have to be in complete control of everything and don't have anyone to help you. That you have to do everything on your own." Like she was one to talk. Layla stopped her hand on my hip before looking me in the eye. "Why?" I quickly looked away.

"Get off me," I ordered. Layla only leaned a little closer in response. "I said, get off." I quickly lifted my leg up to try and push her away when Layla blocked. The area on my hip she was holding was still cool from her touch.

"Answer me," Layla instructed. Her hand went back to my scar. I flinched again. "Please." I couldn't help but clench my jaw. Her tone changed. It changed from firm to soft.

"Because I don't have a choice." I answered.

"Yes, you do." Layla murmured. If we weren't inches apart I wouldn't have heard her.

"No, I don't. I learned a long time ago that if I'm not in control, then I don't survive." Her hand left my abdomen and gently cupped my face.

"Now you have a choice," She guided my face to look at her. Her eyes met mine and her face immediately changed to a caring look. "You don't have to be like this anymore. You're safe here. Choose to let me be there for you and let go of your will to be in control." I can't bring myself to look at her. Since her hand was still resting on my cheek, I averted my eyes. Layla let out a sigh and released her grip on my wrists. She pulled away and started walking down the hallway. "I'll show you to your room. We have to up early, tomorrow morning we have a meeting to attend to." I adjusted my shirt and followed her.

I don't know why my heart was racing. Was it the fact that she tried to break down one of my walls or was it that she was the first person so close to me in a non-threatening way?

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