Chapter 14 - Special

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So, I finally figured out what I'm going to do with the plot. Before I was just writing until I could figure something out, so now, I bring you:


I'm really excited to get started on future chapters so I can give them to you all and give you actual plausable content!

So enjoy!


Nyx's POV

I can't sleep. My skin still tingled from all of the kisses and the bruises that are forming on my chest. Layla laid next to me, her arm holding me close to her body. Hell, it would have felt so nice if the events from today weren't still haunting me. All the blood, the pain, the desperation of proving my innocence. You'd think I would be off to sleep immediately but no, my heart is hammering in my chest for no reason. I lightly traced the trail of marks that were forming. First, make out session and I managed to make it as awkward as possible with the whole no touching my neck. Go me. I still can't let anyone touch it's still too raw. Funny, it happened so many years ago but I can't seem to let go.

Layla started to shift and pulled me even closer. I stiffened at first before slowly relaxing my body. I want to be open with her. I really do but I know better. Letting someone in makes you vulnerable. That's just how things work. Layla shifted again, she kissed my temple.

"Can't sleep?" She murmured.

"Sorry, was I moving too much?" I could feel Lay's smile.

"No, I just had a gut feeling." I nodded at her statement. How was she so intuitive? It blew my mind how she always knew that I was in deep thought. Layla then ran her fingers through my hair, combing it gently. "You know you can always talk to me about what's going on in your mind. I'm always here to listen." I nodded.

"I know but-"

"You don't have to talk if you don't want to."

"But, I'm scared." I tilted my head to look at her reaction. Her eyes were wide, darting from each side of the room to the other and she nodded collecting her thoughts.

"Oh! Um, that's ok. I'm honored to know that you trust me to know this." She offered a comforting smile. I bit my lip and curled into Layla, using the crook of her neck to hide my face.

"I've never really opened up to someone before." I admitted. "I don't even know where to begin." Layla gently rubbed my back.

"How about you start with something not so serious? Something small to get you used to talking." Layla offered. I nodded thinking about what to say.

"I have siblings." I started. "A sister and brother. They're both younger than me." Layla then started to comb through my hair again.

"What are their names?"

"Avery and Kace."

"Where are they now?" I stopped and took a deep breath.

"I don't know." Silence filled the room. All I could hear was the wind blowing and the light breathing. I pulled away and sat up. "This was a bad idea." I mumbled before Layla sat up as well. She pushed my hair to the side and kissed my shoulder.

"That was a good start. What were they like?" She asked softly.

"Avery was always a goofball. Just joking around, refusing to be brought down by our situation. Kace was always scared. I can't even count how many times he would crawl into my bed at night. I would hold him so he would feel safe." I felt a soft smile raise and a small feeling of warmth in my chest. "Whenever someone would pick on them at school, I would always be there to beat the shit out of them. I'd get in so much trouble by those other kids' families. Then, fight the other kids' families. Police would be called. I got arrested, then bailed out." Layla laughed softly.

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