Chapter 9 - Succeed

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Okay wow! I was not expecting this to actually get this many reads. Granted it's only like 238 reads but for my first ever, actually writing a full on story ever, I'm ecstatic!

This is so so so so cool and I appreciate the feedback I got! Just wow I'm so happy over this!

So, I'll try to update when I can but it's the end of the semester for me which means I have nothing but exams, papers and, finals. I promise to try and somewhat keep going at a regular pace but I'm an irregular person so my update schedule is irregular. Sorry about that! 

Okay! I hope you enjoy!


Layla's POV

Damn it all! I was finally getting Nyx to open up but an emergency is an emergency and I have a job to do. I quickly walked down the hall. Once at the door leading to the meeting room, I stopped. I could hear angry voices coming from inside. I silently pushed opened the doors and closed them behind me. The Priestess sat in her spot, reading a few documents, completely ignoring the talking that went on around her. Before I could make it over to my seat, Aldrich stepped into my path.

"Layla, you're just in time. Care for a drink?" He offered a glass of what appeared to be wine but I could see what it truly was. "It'll calm the nerves." He smirked.

"No thank you. It's common knowledge that I don't drink human blood." I told him before moving around him.

"Well I figured after the adventure you had yesterday, you'd finally swallowed your pride and became one of us." He smirked before taking a sip. I turned to look at him. I wanted to rip his arrogant smile off of him.

"I am nothing like you and I never will be. If you ever try that again I can and will put you under to see how long you can actually last without your precious drink." Oh, gods, I'm turning into Nyx. I'm not violent, in fact, I really don't like confrontation at all. I then sat down in my chair. Aldrich walked over and leaned over me.

"I'm glad you finally grew a backbone." He murmured into my ear before walking away. I could feel my jaw tighten. He just gets so far under my skin that I want to get violent. Deep breaths, Layla, deep breaths. Before I could finish my inner calming sequence, Ivah stood.

"Now let's begin this meeting. I'm sorry to draw you away from your studies but I have received a daunting report. In the forest of Hallormsstaður, Valkyries are giving out distress signals about powerful creatures that they can't control. As you all know, in 1804, the valkyries helped us with the darkest ordeal in the Council of Lycree's history." The Priestess shifted and adjusted her stance. Ivah was a part of the council when the cataclysm happened. It still haunted her. You could tell by her eyes, they flashed sorrow for a moment before switching to a form of determination. "Now we will return the favor. I call upon the council to travel to Iceland and help our allies in their time of need." Murmurs filled the room.

"What are we supposed to do?" Cacia asked crossing her arms. "We are a governing force, what could we even do?" As much as I hate to agree with her, she's right. Most of us don't even know how to fight. What use are we in a battle?

"We help any way they ask us to." Ivah answered. She then looked around the room. "You all specialize in something that can be of use." She turned to Syren, his red eyes watching Ivah with intensity. "Syren, you can track these creatures better than anyone," She then turned to me. I did my best not to shrink underneath her gaze but she was intimidating. She was ready for a fight and wanted us on board. "Layla, you are the best doctor the council has ever had, you can treat the wounded." I slowly nodded. Ivah went around and showed us how we would be useful.

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