Chapter 16 - Funny

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Hello! Happy Spooky Month! So here is another chapter for you! I would like to say thank you for all of the votes and for 2.4k views! Like that's amazing to me! I never thought this would pick up the way it did to be perfectly honest! So thank you so much for all of this support and I really hope I can meet all of your expectations with this story and that you stick around until the end! I have a lot in store for you!


Nyx's POV

This battle was the worst one we had.

"Hang in there!" I ordered. I held Cacia in my arms. She was battered and bloodied. I can't believe her. I can't believe she would do this. "Stay awake!" I hoisted the vampire onto my shoulders and shakily got to my feet. I broke out into a run.

I have to get to the medical tent.

Those shadow creatures are getting stronger. They're learning and evolving. I felt her blood running down my chest. She really shouldn't have took that blow for me. She should have stayed put instead of jumping into my fight. Granted I would have struggled to defeat the three of them but that's not the point. She has no combat training what so ever and then decided to hop in.

I have to get to the medical tent.

Shit, one of those shadow shits are chasing me. I'm so much slower carrying Cacia but I have to keep going. I turned sharply around a corner. The shadow creature struggled to make the turn and crashed into boxes that lay there. They aren't very good at chasing. I made another turn and could see the medical tent in sight. I'm almost there. I can get Cacia the help she needs. I can hear that damned thing catching up.

"I need a medic!" I yelled. I hope they can hear me, I don't think I'm going to make it to the tent. Ahead of me, Layla bursted out of the medic tent. Thank all things that are holy, she heard me. Just as I felt some of the tension in my chest lighten, a sharp pain went through my calf. It caught up to me. It's claws scraped against my lower calf and pain seared up my leg. I fell and dropped Cacia. Layla ran over to check on me. "Take her!" I ordered and quickly hopped to my feet. I can ignore the pain, pain is temporary, it will go away. I grabbed the small physical form the beast had and held it back.

"Nyx!" Layla called. Worry laced her voice but it doesn't matter.

"Get her in the tent! Now!" I ordered and threw the creature back. I quickly glanced over to see Layla following my commands. She dragged Cacia into the medical tent. I shifted my focus to the creature that was scrambling to it's feet. As the days went by the more violent these creatures became. It snarled it's long yellow teeth.

"Down!" When I heard the order, I slammed to the ground. I watched as a Valkyrie fired an arrow towards the creature. The arrow was set a flame and plunged into the creature. The shadow catching on fire, the creature itself, exploding. The one thing we were able to figure out was that these fucks are extremely flammable. I struggled to my feet as I heard the cries of the other creatures crying out in pain. They were retreating. Finally. I limped to the tent and hesitated at the edge. I could hear shouting of medics and screams filled with pain. I want to check on Cacia, I really do but, I don't think I deserve to be in the medical tent. Not yet. I don't deserve to be in there when I can't stop the reason why they're in there. I quickly turn and and make my way through the camp. One of the newer Valkyries was struggling to stand. I quickly went over and helped her up.

"Let's get you fixed up." I told her and gave an encouraging smile. She did her best to reciprocate but grunted in pain when we started moving. More and more valkyries were being called to arms because of how many were dying. All of these girls getting thrown into battle without any type of training. Long story short, it's not going well. It's awful. I shifted the girl I was letting lean on me so she could put less pressure on the leg that was twisted out of place.

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